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With a closing date of April 24th it is now only 16 days until we will be out of our house. We have had various communications with the new owners and it is obvious that they are very excited to be able to move in. They are a great couple and although we are happy for them we don't quite share their enthusiasm to be moving. Their goal is soon to be realized and yet ours is still months, and…

There is no escaping Mr. Murphy, of Murphy's Law fame. Just 4 days after we deliver all of our winter clothes to Rebecca's brother's house for storage it snows! We woke up this morning to find well over an inch of the white stuff on the ground. Oh well. Ironically we had a lady come this morning to purchase my bicycle. It looked pretty strange to be dealing with a bike when it could easily have been the middle of…

A week ago we had our daughter visit us for the weekend. Her car was packed to the roof with dishes, blankets, towels, etc. when she left. We have stripped our kitchen to only the bare essentials: 2 plates, 2 bowls, 4 spoons, 4 forks... you get the idea. We haven't used the dishwasher since that time as we don't have enough to fill it! Yesterday we reached one of our early financial goals. We had set an objective to…

The last few days we have been pretending to be UPS. With multiple pickups and deliveries we have again been clearing stuff out of our house. Last night we finally had a chance to sit down and watch one of our latest educational additions, a DVD on heavy-weather sailing. The DVD titled Storm Tactics was produced by the Pardey's (we mentioned them earlier in the Blog). They have a book with the same title but we opted for the moving-picture…

Announcing our plans a few days later on April Fools day, although fun, would have caused a crazy amount of confusion. Even this morning I received a message on Facebook asking me if this was some kind of elaborate prank. Sorry kids but no, it's all real. For those of you new to the story here are the nuts and bolts of it: Mike and Rebecca decide over one too many glasses of wine in the hot tub NOT to…

Previously I had joked that we had the world's most regularly updated blog that no one reads. Since announcing our plans to our friends, and this Blog's URL, we have seen a fair increase in traffic! :) This makes updating it a bit more rewarding knowing that someone other than Rebecca and I will be reading it. Beside me right now Rebecca is scanning the used catamaran web listings on her laptop. For those of our friends who were unsure…
