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Announcing our plans a few days later on April Fools day, although fun, would have caused a crazy amount of confusion. Even this morning I received a message on Facebook asking me if this was some kind of elaborate prank. Sorry kids but no, it’s all real. For those of you new to the story here are the nuts and bolts of it:

  • Mike and Rebecca decide over one too many glasses of wine in the hot tub NOT to wait until they are old and grey to pursue their dreams of traveling
  • They work out a plan to achieve the above by…
  • Selling all of their land-based possessions, house included (tough, but just about done)
  • Learning to sail (no problem)
  • Finding a suitable couple to replace them in the business they have owned for over 20 years (very tough, but also done!)
  • Finding a boat (not yet done, but we don’t think this will be too hard)

With the exception of finding a boat all of the above components of our “plan” are coming together.

The second last item on the list, finding the right people to take over our well-established business was especially important for us. This not only affected us financially but I think it creates good karma to leave on our journey with everyone looked after. Happily the best couple we could actually think of for the job have accepted the challenge. Woo hoo! We are actually very excited to be able to return from our travels to visit and see the growth and improvements our successors create. It is win-win-win for everyone!

1 Comment

  1. Nice to have the two of you ‘out of the closet’ finally!!

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