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There was a time when, if I didn’t post something on the blog each morning, people would wonder if we were OK. Had the boat sunk? Were we lost at sea or had we been captured by pirates? Beyond that, I’d actually feel off if I didn’t take the time to reflect at the start of the day, to record my thoughts and occasionally details of our adventures. The act of writing had become that much of a habit for me. Now look where we are though… it’s been an entire month since I’ve posted! Rest assured dear friends, in spite of the lack of blog activity, we’re still alive and still doing our best to make good things happen.

These days, with a (somewhat self-imposed) work schedule that leaves little time for adventure, I find myself quite unmotivated to write for this blog. While our new job is going exceedingly well, the details of our day-to-day lives have little fodder for those seeking an avenue for escapism from their own work weeks. There is no sailing from pristine anchorage to anchorage, nor are there any hike-a-bikes over steep mountains or through lush jungles. Instead, there is a 9-5 routine, similar to that which many of you are used to yourselves, or more accurately for us, a 7-7 routine.

Some might read the above two paragraphs and get the idea that I am complaining. I can assure you, that is far from the case. On the contrary, I feel that Rebecca and I are extremely fortunate. We have found a place where we can, once again, work together, something that both of us enjoy. Our new positions as resort managers/caretakers are also challenging, giving us plenty of opportunities to learn and grow, and from all indications, we are doing well and our efforts are appreciated. Of course, the resort’s busy season has only just begun!

The dirty details

For those looking for the dirty details, it’s difficult to put into words just how much has gone on here during the past 6 weeks, the total sum of our employment. When we first arrived at Tween Lakes Resort, it was raining cats and dogs and the grounds were a full-on construction zone with open trenches through the entire property. With no more than 5 minutes to throw our meager belongings into a cabin, the dwelling which would be our new home, we were whisked away to town to obtain corporate bank cards and to have the company vehicle’s insurance transferred into our names. Both we, and the two board members who were largely responsible for our indoctrination, Diane and Linda, laugh about that day now as it truly was comical how quickly it all came together.

Our new job came complete with detailed manuals listing operating procedures for the resort. Month by month the caretaker’s duties were laid out in black and white. The only problem with the manuals is that we had no idea what most of the duties being described actually meant! Unfortunately, the previous caretakers were no longer on site so there was no formal (or informal) hand-off, and the responsibility for training us largely fell onto the two board members who were local to the property. Each day we would compile a list of questions which we would pose either by email or text, or when possible, in person. I’m happy to report that our questions-to-ask list is shorter than it was early on but it has by no means disappeared altogether.

A year like no other

The previous year, by all accounts, was an extremely difficult one for Tween Lakes, and for the region in general. “It was a year like no other,” we have heard many times. The resort was subject to biblical flooding, a fact that we were aware of before taking on our new positions (we had done a bit of research). It was this flooding that forced the huge infrastructure upgrade that was, and still is, ongoing. Although, no doubt, a terrible turn of events, the silver lining of that flood is that the resort now has brand new systems in place, a benefit for the members, and for us, the staff charged with looking after the facility.

Our first month on the job was largely spent conducting site cleanup and working with the contractors who were immersed in the facility upgrade. It has only been the past two weeks where we’ve had the chance to meet many of the members, the community that inhabits the resort during the summer months. I’m happy to report that everyone has been extremely welcoming.

In addition to looking after the facility itself, we have also been tasked with overseeing the hiring and management of a small staff, largely comprised of teen children of the site owners. From what we’ve seen thus far, the kids are wonderful, reminding us in many ways of the boat kids that we met while cruising the Caribbean.

Still making it happen

As the season ramps up, and as we get more systems in place to streamline our operations, I expect our day-to-day duties will shift more towards member service and away from organization and site cleanup. That said, we’re still very new to the job so can’t say for sure. We’re taking it one day at a time and simply doing our best to take care of what needs to be done. As always, we’re still doing our best to make good things happen and trying to have fun in the process.

Note: I do have an adventure to share and a good one at that. Stay tuned for my next post. It’ll be some fun reading for you. I promise!


  1. Good to hear from Ya– Glad things are working out well for both of you..

    I’m sure you’ll meet many nice Folks and perform your Duties beyond what is expected of Both of you..

    Always have enjoyed your Blogs..

    PS: I still have that one question in my mind as I’m sure many of your long time readers do– I won’t ask though..

  2. Hello Mike, glad to see you back again.

    Well done that it all seems to be working out for you, even if the construction site aspects may not have been quite what you expected. 🙂

    You shouldn’t worry about not having exciting things to talk about. Normal life is also interesting. Particularly as your life is far from ordinary. None of the rest of us get to do what you are doing, nor do we go to such an interesting place. We have got to know you quite well (remotely) over the last few years and your posts on this site are still looked forward to.

    I too have a question that I won’t ask. I’m sure you will give us the (good) news when you can.



  3. I still appreciate your non-sailing posts. I too went through a career change, and though it’s not everything I had in mind, I’ll be darned if my life isn’t richer for it. I don’t blog about that side of my life much; it’s a sailing blog, after all, with the purpose of developing writing ideas and building interest. But occasionally I get philosophical.

    Today was spent de-mounting 40 vinyl dodger window samples that have been in the sun for 5 years, and testing them for visibility and flexibility. They were waxed hundreds of times with many products. It’s writing and it’s engineering, but it’s not exactly sailing. But it’s work and I learned a few things in the process. Not a bad day at all.

    My cruising boat, the PDQ 32 Shoal Survivor, is still slipped next to my smaller and sportier F-24. It has not yet moved to it’s new home, and that’s kind of weird. I don’t think I miss it. It’s a good boat, but I was done with that stage in my life.

    Best wishes. Your new situation, like cruising, sounds like a fit for at least a while.

    • Nice hearing from you, Drew. I bet a ton of people would be interested in knowing how to make their dodgers last longer and remain clear. Keep up the great work!

  4. Remember that show about nothing!!!

    Rebecca made some very yummy looking meals when you guys were running a charter; any cooking involved with this gig?

  5. Glad you did not get captured by pirates – catchy title though!! Love following your blog!

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