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In the last few days we've received a number of private messages and emails, all of them wishing us well on our new adventure. I received one email from my sister Diane, and when I commented to her about how our cycling route is in no way solidified, she replied with, "It's good that you are resilient and can be flexible." In my mind, I don't see any other healthy alternative. What more can we all do but be adaptive,…

road trip

If our flights go as scheduled – and we all know that on-time air travel is nowhere near a certainty – we should arrive in California in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Although not a job that anyone likes, especially at that time of day, our daughter will be at the airport to pick us up, and then transport us south to her and her husband's home in Perris. At some point following that, Rebecca and I will need to figure…

boat bound

Yesterday, after Rebecca squeezed in one final on-shore workout, and after verifying that we had just enough provisions to do us until Tuesday morning, we set to work to clean up and store our outboard engine and tender. This procedure would leave us boat bound, but as we anticipated the job might take a bit of time, we didn't want to leave it until the last moment. First, take care of the engine: Step one was to disconnect the fuel line and allow…


For years after we left Canada, whenever the subject of our pre-cruising life was brought up, we'd have friends and acquaintances ask us if we missed running our gym. Even though we accumulated countless positive memories from the years and years that we did so, and most certainly do miss the martial arts training itself, we do not miss operating the business. Nor do we miss running charters, in spite of the positive memories that we took from that too.…

go first

When it comes to an entire day airline travel, I don't know if our trek from Martinique to LA could have been too much better. We started off the journey by being ferried to the Fort de France airport by our friend Steve, which was much better than taking the taxi as we had initially planned. Our connections worked out perfectly, our flights were on time, and in fact, I think we may have even arrived in LA ahead of…

internal clocks

Aside from reconnecting with our family, and trying to reset our internal clocks to California time (afternoon siestas rock!), we didn't accomplish a ton yesterday, at least not on the new adventure front. We did start unboxing some of the presents that we had waiting for us, the largest of which was the collection of custom bikepacking bags that we had made by Rogue Panda. These look as good as we had hoped. We also made contact with Daniel from…
