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This is one of the toughest posts I have yet to write. I have been staring at the screen, trying to come up with some less-than-sad way to talk about leaving our dog, a true member of our family, behind on shore when we take off cruising. For the last four years, since he was just a tiny pup, Tyson has been with us. Each day he accompanies us to our workplace, and each evening he makes the drive home…

With the statistics feature on this Blog we can view the various internet searches that lead people here. Apparently some friends with whom we have shared the Blog title are a bit more creative in the spelling of the name than we are. On the subject of searches, can you guess the number one key-word search that draws people here? Captain Ron! Who would have thought it. Apparently that movie is a bit more popular than we were led to…

Rebecca's parents visited us this past weekend. This is the first time we have had the chance to talk to them face to face since we dropped the bomb about our impending departure from the country. The funny thing is that although our house is in a total state of disarray, with clutter everywhere because we have sold most of our furniture (yes, no spare bed for them... they slept on mattresses on the floor), her Mom says that she…

We have a winner! The first of our clients confronted me last night with the "I've heard a rumor" statement. With dozens of people in our relatively-small city who are in-the-know about our plans, or at least the basics of them, it was only a matter of time. Fortunately we have planned to tell all this coming weekend, first in person to those attending our "empty-house" party, and following that by email to the rest of our clients. Weeks ago…

For those of you following along we have now updated the Crew page with actual names and pictures! That's right. No more blurring out our faces and using pseudonyms. We are ready to go public! This coming Saturday we are hosting a party (YEAH!) for our close friends and clients. Our intention is to share our plans with them, and this Blog's web address, after we have plied them with copious amounts of alcohol! We have so many irons in…

After having sent out a mass email to our clients and friends this past Saturday our inbox has been flooded with replies of support. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to write your words of encouragement! As mentioned earlier in our Blog the hardest thing about taking off traveling will be leaving behind the people close to us. And we have been extra fortunate to have a LOT of people who fit into that category! Although it will be…
