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“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” Greg Anderson I have a very good friend who has asked us on numerous occasions if there is any place in particular that we have our heart set on traveling to. He seems entirely perplexed by the fact that we don't have an answer for him. Of course, where we initially go will depend on where we acquire the boat. THAT…

One of the things we are developing is a real appreciation for the wind. Today Environment Canada, the weather people, have issued a Wind Warning for our area: Strong winds early this evening due to a cold front. This is a warning that damaging winds are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions. Listen for updated statements. A cold front associated with a deepening low pressure system over northeastern Ontario has crossed southern Ontario and continues to give…

Every day I come across at least one more boating-related thing that I know nothing about, and that conspires to drive me crazy! Today it is "stepping and unstepping the mast." To those uninitiated with sailing lingo this means raising or lowering the mast (the big tall stick on a sailboat which holds the sails). The standard route for sailing to the Caribbean from here involves passing through a portion of the NY Canal system. Because of the locks and…

There are sooo many variables in our life right now it is crazy. House sale? Check Sale of possessions? Under way. Sale of business? Working on it! The above variables control not only our finances but our departure date and location as well. Our situation was described today by some friends as "fun." I am sure it was a tongue-in-cheek description but what else could they say! Unless you have gone through the process of giving up everything you are…

Shane Falco: I want the ball. Jimmy McGinty: Winners always do. (from the movie The Replacements) I have just started reading another new book, The Gentleman's Guide to Passages South by Bruce Van Sant. One of the early chapters in the book, which is now in its 9th Edition, talks about the perils of placing your trust (safety!) in The Experts. The Weatherman, The Mechanic, The Sailing Master and The Local are some of the characters that he describes. Obviously…

In the Pardey's book The Cost Conscious Cruiser section two begins with the question: "Are you a Cruiser or a Consumer?" This is an area that I have been particularly challenged in. Budgets and I have never gotten along very well and I can't imagine that anyone has ever described me as frugal. Rebecca on the other hand is definitely not a spendthrift. In fact, I have always had to push her to buy anything for herself. Fortunately I am…
