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Rebecca’s parents visited us this past weekend. This is the first time we have had the chance to talk to them face to face since we dropped the bomb about our impending departure from the country. The funny thing is that although our house is in a total state of disarray, with clutter everywhere because we have sold most of our furniture (yes, no spare bed for them… they slept on mattresses on the floor), her Mom says that she is now more confident about our plans. LOL. I am glad she is!

In spite of the above-mentioned disarray we feel that things are progressing. Our house is currently looking extremely empty and that is a good thing considering we need to be out of here in 32 days!

Last night we received an email reply from Jamie and Seth on Slapdash. Their emails are always helpful and encouraging, and they ALWAYS make us laugh. Thanks guys. We’ll be buying the beer when meet up with you in Venezuela! If you’re reading this Jamie and Seth you should know that Rebecca’s Father was worried about you because your site hasn’t been updated in a while. So stop with all the fun and get cracking on that!

The above pic shows Rebecca doing her morning workout on deck with our favorite exercise devise, the TRX.
