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leaving Baja

While it should in no way compare to the drama that is ongoing in Texas and the southern US, this latest storm makes me think that we're leaving Baja at just the right time! Yesterday, Rebecca and I, along with Tiago, another cyclist who is also staying at the Warmshowers home, rode to the Baja Ferries office to purchase our tickets. Our ferry departs at 8:00 PM this evening and we'll sail overnight to Mazatlan. As you can see from…

Bikes on Boats

Some of you may recall reading about our first Bikes on Boats experience. On that occasion, we packed our two bikes onto a small local fishing boat and transported them across the Bahía de Concepción to resume riding the Baja Divide. This time we loaded our bikes onto a much larger vessel, to travel across a much larger body of water. We'd be leaving Baja California behind to continue our journey in Mazatlan. Saying goodbye to Tuly, our Warmshowers host in La…


Our first order of business after departing the ferry was to get our bike bags sorted and to have some breakfast. The pastry they served for breakfast on the boat just wasn't going to cut it. After that was done though, we were on the road, following the GPS track that I had imported into my iPhone, leading us towards El Espinazo del Diablo. By the time we actually got underway it was a little after 11:00 AM, a late start…


As it often is, our intention was to get an early start from El Palmito, to try to repeat the previous day's success and knock off some decent mileage. We had checked the weather forecast and noted that thunderstorms were, once again, predicted for the afternoon. Unfortunately, we ended up with a slight hurdle to an on-time departure: the gate at the property where we were staying was locked and we couldn't find anyone to let us out. After ultimately…


When we left La Ciudad, we were well rested. The bikes were in tip-top shape and we were layered with extra clothing to keep ourselves warm. We were ready to put in some fast miles because once again, the weatherman was calling for thunderstorms to roll in around noon. Why were we taking this so seriously? Because the day before, while we were hiding in our cabin, a thunderstorm of biblical proportions unleashed itself on the town. Heavy rain, booming thunder,…


Where will we sleep tonight? That probably seems like a strange thing to have to consider but for travelers like us, it's a question that needs to be answered daily. It took us 5 days to ride from Durango, where we were the last time I updated this blog, to the city of Zacatecas, approx. 350 km away. Of those five nights, only the final one, after we arrived in Zacatecas, did we actually have an idea where we would…
