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When my sister departed Grenada after her visit back in October, a trip which, in my opinion, was far-too-short, she left behind a wonderful bit of reading material, a National Geographic magazine. It’s a special issue entitled Hidden Earth, and it contains more than 100 pages of jaw-droppingly beautiful travel photographs. If we were looking for destinations to add to our travel bucket list, and we always are, there is no shortage of them in this magazine.

While writing this post, I was reminded of an Instagram account that I followed that had over a million followers (yes, you can find us on Instagram too). The admins of that account posted nothing but beautiful travel pics, with the premise being that they were all places that people might like to visit before they pass away.

Because they were recommended by some friends, Rebecca and I have been working our way through the Long Way Round and Long Way Down, two documentary-style TV series’ about long-distance motor cycle journeys. I’m betting that for some of our motorcycle riding friends, a trip like the ones featured in those programs might be a bucket list entry.


I’d like to imagine that, for aspiring cruisers, our blog could provide the fuel for at least one or two bucket list entries. There are certainly plenty of beautiful spots in the Eastern Caribbean worth visiting, both on the water and on land.

Do you have a real bucket list? I can’t say that I do, at least not a formal one, in writing. And I tend to think that having a bucket list, or a wish list, won’t do much good unless some effort is put into achieving the items on the list. Or does it? Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe simply having something to dream about is enough for some people?

In any case, if you’re looking for something a bit more out there to add to your list, a few real adventures, check out the ones spotlighted on this National Geographic link. Similar to the ones displayed in the magazine that I mentioned, they are amazing!

Note: If you’re looking for a post about the ever-valuable boat bucket instead of bucket lists, I got you covered!


  1. Hi Mike and Rebecca – I can tell you that watching Ewan and Charlie led me to be on my 4th motorcycle now and many thousands of miles under the wheels….reading your blog and others has led us to taking delivery of a Leopard 48 next August…..these blogs/vlogs and bucket lists are expensive!!! 🙂

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