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I don’t want to make light of the paring-down process that people go through when moving from a house to a boat, because it’s a serious thing, but when you need to carry and propel everything you have via the power of your own legs, it takes the streamlining process to an entirely different level!

Paring down our electronics

The last couple of days we’ve been debating about paring-down our electronics. For the past couple of years, Rebecca and I have had matching MacBooks, and until recently, we also had matching iPad minis as well. In addition to using the iPad for regular internet access, it was our primary chart plotter on Frost since we first purchased her. Considering both weight and space limitations of our bikes, and trying to minimize what we’re going to have to carry, Rebecca has decided that she can make due with just an iPhone for internet access instead of the iPad and laptop combo. In addition to that usage, the smartphone can also be used as a GPS device while we are underway.

Some might consider even this excessive, but in order to more easily keep the blog updated, and to process video, etc., we will be bringing one of our two MacBooks with us to be shared. The iPad, and Rebecca’s MacBook, will be offered up for sale later today. We’re getting closer!


We’re about to, once again, become a single laptop family!


  1. I’m surprised you wouldn’t keep the ipad and mac with your family, in the event that something catastrophic happened to what you bring on your journey, they could send it to a postal stop somewhere ahead on your trip. Or, do you believe you can easily and cheaply replace them if needed along the way?

    • Most importantly, we’re using the money from the sale of the devices to purchase a new iPhone for Rebecca. Second though, I think that hanging on to electronics in storage is one of the silliest things you can do. Every day that goes by they decrease in value. If you’re not using them, sell them to someone who will use them.

  2. Your next adventure should be a long distance backpack like the Appalachian Trail or the Continental Divide where even 1 laptop is too much.

    Living vicariously,

  3. Hey I am soon to purchase a lap top for charts etc. for my trip back to the Bahamas in Jan. How much are you thinking price wise? Did you decide to sell your boat? Rivers

  4. What do you want for the iPad?

    • Sorry, Bill. One of our friends already scooped up the iPad. In case anyone is interested, the computer is still for sale though. We’ve been so busy we haven’t had a chance to even list it for sale yet, minus this post on our blog.

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