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When I came across the above graphic, I immediately saw a parallel between gasoline and money. Just as some people are perfectly content to run their vehicle until the fuel gauge needle is riding on, or below E, so too are others unfazed until their bank accounts are near fully depleted. Right or wrong, we tend to be in this category, and unfortunately, due to the expenses arising from our still-ongoing lawsuit, and the fact that we had been stuck for more than a year doing nothing but tending to that problem, we find ourselves in the unenviable position of having to alter our plans due to finances.

Plans, schmans!

If seven years of living on a boat have taught me anything, it’s that plans are barely worth the paper that they are scribbled on. It’s for this reason that when I originally posted our proposed bicycle travel plans, I did so reluctantly, knowing that there was a better than even chance that they’d have to be modified. As it turns out, we’ve decided to make a big change to our initially-proposed track. Rather than fly to Alaska to begin our southbound journey in Deadhorse, we have instead decided to simply begin pedaling south from our present location in Southern California.


My bike’s “bow,” aka the cockpit.

Although the timing to enter Mexico may not be ideal weather wise, we’ll believe that we’ll make out fine. We also expect that this alteration will save us money on several fronts (no plane tickets, cheaper provisioning south of the border, etc.). What about Alaska, and the rest of the US and Canada? Just as when sailors pass by an island, we prefer to think that we have saved the northern portion of this trip for a later day, rather than skipping it.

We are getting closer!

With all that said, we are getting closer to pointing our bikes south. Not a day goes by that we don’t have countless projects on the go, fine tuning our bikes, our gear, and our knowledge. As much as we love spending time here with our family, we are also conscious of not wanting to overstay our welcome.

Rear panniers to carry the overflow of “stuff.”

For those who are interested, we’ll be looking to ride from here towards San Diego, quite likely passing close to, or through Escondido. If you live in either of those spots, and have a patch of grass on which we could pitch our tent, please let us know. We’d love to meet up. After that, it’s on to Baja!


  1. When I was a teenager in the mid 70’s I rode a bike with a neighbor from Fountain Valley in Orange County to Escondido where his in laws lived. At that time (not sure how it is now) we had to ride through Camp Pendleton. This was around the time of the Vietnamese boat people and we passed many areas where they were being held waiting for processing. At one point we made a wrong turn and ended up in the hills above the base. Anyway, we found our way back to the route and carried on. We were quite proud of the fact we made it in one day 🙂

  2. Wow, I’m really envious of what you guys are about to undertake. Looks fabulous, and that’s just the very beginning of getting to Patagonia. On on.

  3. Hey Mike,

    If your plans take you to Puerto Penasco (northern tip of the Sea of Cortez) you have a place with us. We are right on the beach and would love to have you stop in!

  4. I know you are already well into planning, but let me suggest anyway that you think about a Washington or Oregon start and pedaling south. I think you would be much more comfortable in the summer weather than in the Baja. Coach tickets on Amtrak’s Coast Starlight are quite reasonable if you can select the right dates, and I think putting the bikes in the baggage car is cheaper than flying them. Plus, that is one of the most beautiful train trips in all of North America. Just sayin’

    • Thanks, Sean. I know the trip down the west coast would be spectacular. Maybe next time we come back through here. 🙂

  5. Being flexible is the key. My lovely wife and I had tentative plans for travel this winter. We briefly tossed out those plans when it looked like we were going to get a bigger sailboat. They had it sitting in a cradle on their property -not an uncommon practice in sea side New England towns. Their house sold quicker than expected and they were willing to give the boat away to get it moved quickly. We made new plans on the fly. Our vacation fund became the move and moor the sailboat fund.

    Unfortunately, someone more local beat us to the punch. We dusted off our old plans and went back to plan A.

    Life happens.

  6. I’ve always wondered how you two can afford the life you have been living– Not really my business though..

    Dry Bank Accounts would suck though– I’m sure you’ll make it though..

    Maybe a GoFundme Page? I enjoy your Blogging– I’m sure many other Folks do to..

    • GoFundMe is more for charities, startup projects, etc. Patreon is typically what people use to support blogs, Vlogs, etc. I have contemplated the idea of starting such a thing but have never moved forward on it.

  7. 1- start a patreon account. Your blogs have turned ideas into reality.
    2- get an inreach for Baja. 424benbart on instagram used one when visiting us in La Paz Mex while messing around on the Baja Divide route.
    3- The Waponi Woo has a spare stateroom if you need a place in La Paz or north. Please email and I’ll get you our contact info.

    • 1. Under consideration.
      2. If money was not an issue, I’d have one. I actually approached Garmin to see if they would sponsor us. They did not respond. 🙁
      3. Thanks for the offer, Ryan! That’s very kind of you.

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