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So often when Rebecca and I are talking, I will come up with a thought that is so far removed from our topic of discussion, the question has to be asked “where did that come from?” At times I will be able to link my thought’s chain-of-events to explain it. Other times? Not even close.

I bring that up because when searching Google for info on a subject you never really know where it may lead you. I have been giving considerable thought to the Watermaker challenge, and my research has netted a few good resources. For those who are interested I suggest you check out the following links:

Committing to a Watermaker


I am not completely positive how my search ended up there but I found myself reading about composting toilets, which are toilets that do not use water (obviously there is a link, but I certainly wasn’t searching for it). I would, initially, never have considered such an item but the benefits talked about on the websites dealing with them seem to be considerable:

  • Easy to install
  • No water
  • No smell
  • No holding tank required
  • Relatively low cost

Downside? I guess it would take getting used to, but doesn’t everything on a boat, including the typical marine head?

Hear are some links on the subject that I came across:

Upgrading my Marine Head to a COMPOSTING TOILET

Air Head Dry Toilet

Nature’s Head

Just another thing that appears worthy of consideration.


  1. On “So It Goes” we have now passed the six month point of full time use of our home brew composting toilet and to put it simply… It works!

    No smell, no fuss, a couple of sea cocks no longer needed and a couple less holes in the hull.

  2. Excellent path! conserve our resources.

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