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While Sunday may be a day of rest for some people, it sure wasn’t for us this past weekend. Rebecca and I took advantage of the lull in our large-project schedule to give One Love some scrubbing, both in visible areas and in spots not normally seen.

Yesterday, we made our third trip to Grenada Marine to visit our precious ZTC. Once again, I am happy to report that all of the work we did to prepare her for her extended vacation is paying off. She looks excellent.

Our reason for visiting was to offload a bunch more stuff and as you can see from the pics below, it was a large bunch! If ZTC were in the water right now, there is no question that her waterline would definitely be a few inches higher. One Love, on the other hand, is sitting a bit lower in the water. That’s OK though because having just left her life as a bareboat, her massive storage areas were pretty much empty.

Yes, those are actual paper books that you can see. I prefer to consult text and guidebooks when they’re in paper format rather than electronic versions.


  1. Mike,

    I have in the past, dipped (small) books and maps in “Thompson Water Seal”. This seems to work to protect the books/maps, and an added advantage, you can mark on the maps with a grease pencil, and it wipes right off.

    You may want to test this out on something you don’t need/want, just to be safe.


    • Having lived on the boat for 4 years and not found that to be necessary, I think I’ll pass. I don’t need MORE things to do.

      I could see this being good if you had a book that you frequently needed to bring into the cockpit of a monohull with a sketchy dodger.

  2. Looking at your pile of belongings, doubtless with more to come, I can see why Rebecca is cleaning out the under-floor storage as well as the rest of it! 🙂


  3. What are your “crew” living arrangements on One Love?

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