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We have a boat! That’s right boys and girls… after receiving our surveyor’s very-thorough report today I signed off on the conditions of the purchase agreement for Katana. I updated our boat page here with a few details on the catamaran, and will continue to add more particulars and pics as time goes by.

Number 1 on today’s To Do list was organizing insurance. We received quotes from several brokers and think we have settled on one. I just filled out their big application and am ready to fax it in. I know that many cruisers are self-insured (which means they carry no insurance). Given that a significant chunk of our life savings will be tied up in this boat I don’t think that would be too wise for us!


  1. Well done! Congrats! Must be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders to cross that item off you list… Now swab that deck, matey!

  2. Hi guys. Just letting you know your boat page link above no longer works. Thanks for the great site.
    BTW, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery 😉

    • Hi John

      I think I did take that page down but the link still redirects to it when I click it. What happens when you click it?

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