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Those who are not familiar with the charter process occasionally ask us questions such as why didn’t you go to this place, or do you serve this or that type of food? The truth is that we really do try to customize the charter experience for the guests on our boat. This customization includes both menu options and itineraries. How do we accomplish this? Once our guests are safely on board One Love and comfortable, often with drink in hand, we sit down with the group and collectively devise a plan for our travel routes and stops. We begin preparing for their vacation long before that though. By sending each of our clients a document where they can list their food, beverage, activity and travel preferences, we can do a lot of advanced planning to ensure that their time on One Love is perfect.

A small screen capture of One Love’s custom preference sheet.


  1. I love this family post! You guys are great. Thanks for making families memories. The pictures tell how happy everyone is. Praying for you guys for safe and happy passages all your charter days. Again, thanks for the post/pictures, JC

  2. this is perfect. Guests will definitely feel at home while on board because they are part of detailing their where-abouts. More power to you one love.

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