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When you live in the islands, Walmart, Home Depot and West Marine are not just a few minutes down the road. Although most items can be purchased here, or at least ordered in, there is a real value in some cases in being able to acquire items Now. This is exactly what we experienced when we found that we were able to purchase our new WirieAP Wi-Fi system directly from Mark and Liesbet from s/v Irie who are anchored just around the corner from us.

I have long since been aware of the Wirie, the guts of which is an Alfa amplifier similar to what we were using in the past. Their new product, the WirieAP, integrates a wireless router into the system, eliminating the necessity of installing any drivers on the computer. The value in this is that it fixes the incompatibility problems that I was having with our old amplifier. I have heard over and over that systems like this could be built for much less than the actual selling price. Perhaps that is so, IF you had access to all the parts and IF you don’t place a value on your time. In this case, we chose to place a higher value on getting it fixed Now. So yes, we traded some cash for that convenience. Not wasting time on fixing this issue allows us to spend more time doing the following. I’m sure our regular readers won’t fault us for that. 😉

Answer to yesterday’s question:

A lot of people got this one correct. The high-level, thin, wispy clouds are called Cirrus.

Today’s question:

What is the difference between a DR and an EP?


  1. My weakness for redheads has just been re-affirmed 😛

  2. I am pleased with “Zero to Cruising’s” corporate decision to add sexiness to the blog. Keep up the good work!!!

    Love John

  3. Great eye candy for the boys!!!! On a different note, I ordered Peter the TRX for his bday and I’m getting a hurricane called Irene for mine!!! Yes, North Carolina is the unlucky one this time around. We go tomorrow to anchor our boat out in the hurricane hole! Wish us luck!

  4. First off, great pictures. Yet more reasons why we need to get out onto the water and start cruising.

    The difference between EP and DR is the effect of tide. The EP (Estimated Position) is effectively the estimated tidal correction to the DR (Dead Reckoning) position that reflects course over water, rather than course over ground.

    What do I win? 🙂

  5. Dead Reckoning and Estimated Position?

  6. Mike,
    Sigh… by each passing day I see that your life continues to grow more and more weary. 🙂 I really do feel bad for you, trapped in your own little paradisial hell, surrounded by beautiful yet scantily clad succubae. 🙂 Please stay strong Mike, and try to endure these grave and challenging times in your life. 🙂

    Seriously though, I am sooooo jealous. 🙂

  7. Looks like you spent your money wisely. Great photos, wish we were there.

  8. DR = digital recording
    EP = extended play album – usually analog

    Boy that was easy…:)


  9. Mike,

    Tell Rebecca not to have hurt feelings…it’s just she sets the bar Sooooooooo High
    Could be a nice crew..much better than the S.S. minnow

  10. I’m gonna hold the smarmy Viagra comment on the DR & EP and sulk in deep green envy…..Lucky Bassard

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