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In 7 days, the plan is for Rebecca, Michael and I to be back in the Virgin Islands making last-minute preparations to accept delivery on the new yacht. Of course, a hundred things need to come together in order for that to happen, most notably the Mooring’s phase out crew completing the work that is required of them. Beyond that, there are insurance agents, lawyers, bankers and civil servants who each need to do their part. We’re going to hope for the best and be ready to do our thing when the time comes.

The one potential sticking point is that we have been told the BVI carnival takes place the first week of August. Knowing how, on most islands, everything shuts down during carnival, if we have even a small delay, it might turn into an extended delay. As I said though, we’re going to hope for the best. What more can we do?

In the meantime, the three of us have been doing our thing. Michael is working on the paperwork portion of making this happen, Rebecca is coordinating meal plans and I have been working on the new website. Speaking of which, there is a place on the website which calls for some testimonials. Until we acquire actual testimonials from paying clients, I’m looking for some alternatives. If you have ever sailed with us, visited our boat, partied with us or even found value in this blog, please consider writing a short (2-3 sentences) testimonial quote for us.

You know us though, it can’t be all work and no play…

This is the Slackline that we purchased.

Thanks Brittany for turning us on to this.


  1. After you get the hang of it in the backyard, you can move up to a bigger challenge, eh?

  2. I’d need good health insurance to go anywhere near that thing!

  3. Mike, it looks like you are not wearing the correct style of shorts for this.

  4. Change to ketch rig then you can string the line up with no problem. 😉


  5. Sounds like if the turnover of the new boat doesn’t get completed in the first or second day, it just might turn into a week long party!!!! Too bad 🙂

  6. Hi Mike and Rebecca,

    I was going to send you an email, but can’t find your email address anywhere easily accessible, so I’m just posting a comment on your most recent post (although this is completely unrelated to that post – sorry).

    I discovered your blog a few weeks ago while searching for information on PDQ catamarans (I’ve chartered a PDQ36 for a week in late August in the North Channel (that’s part of Georgian Bay, in Canada, for those of you unfamilliar) ). I got hooked on your blog, and over the past few weeks have read your entire saga from the beginning! I’m excited to see what happens next (as are you, I’m sure 🙂 ).

    Several times as I was reading, I thought of things I would like to comment on, but as the entries I was reading were ‘old news’ I never bothered. I remember two in particular that might be relevant, so here goes:

    First, in one of your older posts where you described a crossing from one island to another, you talked about how you were happy the wind was up so you could sail, but unfortunately with the wind came a bigger swell than you would like, and you asked if there is anywhere in the world where you have good wind but no swell. I was surprised to read that, as there is an obvious answer, and you know it – the Great Lakes! Depending where you are, and which shore you’re close to, you can get 20-30 knot winds with very manageable waves. And most of the North Channel is very well sheltered from the waves, even in a big blow. Maybe not in the spirit of your question, but worth mentioning :-).

    The second thing is a tip I have for you on using your iPad. At one point you were complaining about having to use your iPad to update your blog because you couldn’t get a good WiFi signal. Did you know you can set up your iPad as a ‘WiFi Hotspot’, which will allow your computer(s) to connect to the internet using your iPads cellular internet connection? That way you could use your full keyboard/screen on your laptop and still get internet connectivity without a WiFi signal available. It’s pretty simple, let me know if you want details on how to do this, or just ask the Oracle.

    Thanks for the great blog, I’ve really enjoyed it, and I’m sure will continue to do so.


    • Hi Mike

      Thanks for the comment. FYI, commenting on an older post is never a problem. I always get a notification when a new comment is posted.

      As for Lake Ontario, while it may not get large ocean swells, there is certainly enough fetch to create waves larger than ANYONE would want to sail in. The large number of sunken ships in the Lake is at least partial evidence of that.

      On the iPad subject, I was familiar with that but I have yet to try it. With our account in the islands, I think that in order to make that work, I actually had to contact the provider to activate that feature and I never got around to it. That may be different with the ATT service that I am using right at this moment.

      Thanks again!

  7. I’ll be in the BVI starting Friday for two weeks!

  8. I love seeing the slackline and am sure you will master it quickly, but make sure you get some carpet or towels between your line and those trees, it protects the trees and protects the line, once you get a little snag in that webbing it just grows into a tear untill it snaps at 1200 lbs.
    I enjoy reading your blog and cant wait to see how it evolves as you set out into this new part of your life.

    • Roger. We did have old T-shirts around the back of the tree that you can’t see. The next time we will add even more padding to protect the entire area.

  9. Those Brazilians are pretty incredible. I think I’ll stick to juggling so when something hits the ground it’s not me!

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