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Rebecca and I are currently anchored in the well protected anchorage of Le Marin, Martinique. Not far from us are our friends John and Kathy on Oceana and Doug and Wendy on Nahanni River. I think each of them have plans to move from here to St. Lucia when the weather allows it while we intend to sail directly to St. Vincent, bypassing St. Lucia altogether. Of course, we’d like to have some settled weather for that overnight passage and from what we’ve read, that may not occur for a few days.

This is not a bad place to hang out though. As I said, the anchorage is protected, especially tucked in behind the reefs as we are now. The provisioning is also excellent. In fact, we have had friends who have sailed back and forth from St. Lucia solely to stock up their boats with food and drink. Yesterday we made trips to two full-blown grocery stores, each only steps from a dinghy dock. We will not be going hungry here, that’s for sure. Today our plan, among other chores, is to visit the local chandleries to pick up a few boat items. I’m sure we’ll have plenty to keep us busy here while we’re waiting for weather to head south, and we get to continue working on our French!


  1. Bon courage! x

  2. I think that inapropriate nudity, is ignorance and extremly bad manners, but something that regrettably many people are now guilty of. I personally like yourselves are quite happy when its suitable, to shed clothes (usually when I`m happily out of any offensive distance from the local populace) perhaps it could be equally as rude to erect a sign smilar in content to one I remember seeing a while back on the balcony of a block of luxury apartments, that said something like “Nudity is Rudity practiced only by Incompitent inadequates. ” you may need a translation. its just a thought, :o))

  3. Awesome place! I stayed there for a few days looking at a FP Bahia 46 we were considering purchasing. Great French food everywhere you look!

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