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Last night I received a message from a friend which initiated a nice conversation. While speaking to him, he admitted to missing my regular posts on this blog and I have to admit that I could understand where he was coming from. I can think of two particular websites that I followed — one sailing/cruising related and the other about cycling — where the bloggers just suddenly stopped posting. I know that the authors are all still out there, doing their thing, but for their own individual reasons, the blog posts just stopped coming.

Like a good book

Perhaps they were much like me in that the lack of blog activity was less a conscious decision to stop posting and more about having nothing to write about? Regardless of the authors’ reasoning, I remember each time feeling disappointed about the entire thing, even let down in a way. It was similar to that feeling you get when you reach the end of a really good book or finish watching the final episode of a TV series that you enjoyed. What should I read or watch now?

Given that, at its peak, our website had 2000-3000 visitors every day, it’s only fair to assume that there might be one or two people who feel similarly let down about our blog’s lack of activity. If that’s the case, I apologize.

As with the authors of the two blogs I mentioned, we’re still doing our thing. Yes, our lives are less vagabond-like than they have been in the past but our hearts haven’t changed one bit. In fact, we just booked flights yesterday for a week-long bikepacking romp around the Arizona desert. Pale in comparison to a ride of the Americas but it’ll have to do for the time being.

Airing out our tent and sleeping bags for adventures to come.

For those who remain curious, yes, we still own a boat. Frost is, as far as we know, safe and secure on her mooring in Le Marin, waiting for whatever wind the southern edge of Hurricane Isaac is going to throw her way. My best guess is that she’ll be fine. I’m much more concerned about our friends on the east coast of the US. I sure hope that they’re all taking Hurricane Florence very seriously!


  1. Mike, this post is very true, but you should know that your blog has made a huge impact on those who read it. My wife and I are off to Mexico tomorrow to pick up our new to us boat tomorrow. We will be re-reading all of your posts as we ended up buying a PDQ32 as well. Thanks for writing your blog! It didn’t create our dream, but it made it seem like we weren’t crazy! Whatever ends up happening with Frost, I know that you both will live an adventure! Fair winds!

  2. Great to see you’re still “makjng it happen!” Our dreams have been put on hold to care for aging parents, but I remain hopeful that one day we will sail away.

  3. Mike –
    I’m definitely one of your former blog readers who has been missing your posts. I was always impressed with what you posted on many levels:
    1) the content was fresh
    2) you write well
    3) you always had an interesting mix of technology, travelogue, philosophy, and personal evolution
    4) the marine technology was always ‘spot on’ and very informative
    5) your photos are excellent and always enhanced the posts a LOT
    6) you managed to give opinions in a sanguine manner that avoided getting people stirred up as often happens on the web
    So, all that being said, I hope one day that you’ll get “Frost” unfrozen and again resume your quest. Speaking of which, I also hope that at some point you can shed some light on exactly what happened with Frost that has apparently denied you ownership.

    • Thanks for all that, Ross! Trust me, there is nothing in this world that I would like to post about more than my drama concerning Frost. It’ll turn some heads! Hopefully, I’ll be able to do that sooner rather than later. 🙂

  4. Life seems to run in cycles, where every so often you need a change. I change boats every 10 years, not because I’m tired of the boat but because I want to do a different sort of sailing. Interests grow and wane; climbing, sailing, cycling, and so forth. The career change from engineering to writing was a jolt, but a positive one I think. I’m wondering if I will live in this same house for ever, but at the moment my parents are passing 90. They live nearby, and I’m the only family they’ve got.

    The next cycle? I don’t know. But I’m watching for it.

    And BTW, my book on anchoring (“Rigging Modern Anchors”) is finally out. It was a labor, to be sure, but very educational, which is what matters most, to me. There’s even a picture of Frost (or at least the anchor) in it, demonstrating one of thousand perils that must be avoided (snubber wrapping over the chain). Thanks for the help!

  5. Delighted to hear from you. Yes, I’m another one who misses your posts. But I’m sure we all respect your choice. It’s nice when you surface now and then.

    All the best with Frost. I think of your predicament from time to time and wonder. It must be very sad and frustrating for you both. I’m just starting the process of selling my boat and I’m not enjoying it, but I am recognizing that I am past it and probably becoming unsafe. It is much worse for you as you are both fit and well.

    All the best with your current adventure. Keep us posted when you can, please.



  6. Howdy Mike!

    Add me to both the “missing you” and “anxious for the Frost situation to be resolved” lists!!

    Very glad to hear that all is well.

  7. Add me to the list, I had reading your blog as part of my morning wake up ritual, and I still check in periodically to see whats new, but it’s regrettably no longer part of the routine. I searched around for another blog to replace it with, but none of them really caught on. Someone mentioned about the way you were able to share your opinions without trying to incite controversy, and that is a huge plus. It seems everyone these days is trying to incite a riot, and it is so nice to escape that on your blog.

    Love you guys and all that you have done for me over the years, without you ever knowing it. I, too, would love to hear the Frost story when it is ready to be told.

  8. Agree with Ross Mann.

  9. Hello!I’ve been following your blogg since before you left Ontario many years ago. At that point my husband were living vicariously through any cruising blogs we could get our hands on since it was still a while before we would be ready to go. And in 2016 when we left Ontario we both hoped to run in to more fellow Ontarionites(or what ever people call us) expecially you two since we so enjoying following your adventures. Sadly we disnt but we did meet quire a few others. Sailing or not we are still enjoying your post so please don’t give up on them. We arn’t ready for the “book”to end yet! We’ve made it to Rio Dulce, Guatemala and are loving the cruising life. I do hope everything works out for the two of you and you continue to enjoy life in what ever way makes you both happy-on land or sea..Take care.

  10. I hope all is well, Mike. Still waiting to finish the book! What ever happened to Frost? Still own her?

    Take care!

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