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When asked why we left Canada, our most common answer had to do with us being tired of the cold. And that was true. We were also looking forward to the challenge, and the adventure, and to doing something that we thought very few people ever did. All of these things remain close to our heart. We still get excited by adventure, and are inspired by challenges. And yes, doing something that few people do is a motivator too.

So what’s on our radar? Long term, we plan to sail to Patagonia.

Patagonia? Where is that, you may be thinking. Southern Chile and Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, just north of Cape Horn. But, isn’t it cold down there? Yes, that’s true, and we’re still not really fans of the cold, but seeing as we’re Canadian, we figure a bit of discomfort won’t kill us. And the fact is, my research shows that the winter temps in Patagonia are quite a bit warmer than what we’d typically experience in Ontario!

Admittedly, this is a considerable step up on the craziness scale, and it’s hard to pin down all that is motivating us to make this journey. When the idea first crossed my mind, I really knew very little of the area. That said, the images of majestic mountains, blue glaciers and lone sailboats in pristine anchorages called to me. I first posed the idea to Rebecca in a joking manner, and then a bit later, a tad more seriously. She began to do her own research and was soon on the bandwagon with me.

We have already had our naysayers, but this is nothing new to us, and we experienced the same thing before we left Canada on our initial journey. Having proven ourselves thus far though, most of our friends and family have little doubt that we will do what we set out to do. There are many things to consider, and we have other, as of yet unannounced, adventures and challenges in store before we make it to this area. But there you have it, our plan, such that it is. It’s been a while but we are, once again, truly excited. Hopefully you’ll follow along with us.


  1. Sounds awesome! Very excited for you! We will need to add this to our own sailing plan, by that time we will probably be missing our Rocky Mountains!

  2. Cool! Nothing wrong with that at all. It’s called cruising.

    After a few years of cruising the islands we may have to check out Patagonia as well. We’re from Buffalo NY, how bad could it be? You guys are like a scouting party. Look forward to the reports.

    Paul and Deb
    SV Kelly Nicole

  3. Oh so very jealous right now! Wish we could join. Due you plan on coming back up the western side of South America?

  4. Sounds like a great idea Mike! Good friends of us did a circumnavigation of South America on their 42 foot motorsailer a few years ago and we have been thinking of the same trip ever since! Who knows! Meanwhile are you off to France? 🙂

  5. Will you be back to blogging daily,
    and using Spot? I’m missing that part of your adventure.

  6. Cool. Maybe this blog will finally come alive again. Sounds like a great adventure. I’m confident you’ve already watched the film named 180 Degrees South to give you some motivation? You just need to climb the peaks when u get there. Looking forward to a revived blog!

  7. I am so proud of you guys – keep going and living your dream! OH! and keep

  8. I did an episode of my podcast with a member of our club that did a charter in that neck of the woods, he loved it. You should listen, it’s a longish one, but aren’t they all?
    I believe it is episode 13 of The Shooting The Breeze sailing podcast at

    I wouldn’t mind having you guys on sometime too.
    rock on

  9. Does this mean ZTC is going back where she belongs, in the water? Or is this adventure taking place on a different boat?

  10. We will be following *very* closely. Doing the complete circuit of South America has been on our plan since before we bought the boat, inspired by a 38-day commercial cruise we took along most of the same route several years ago. At each port we said we needed to return in our own boat — cruise lines give you perhaps a day at each stop, yet many places along the way need at least a week to really appreciate.

    We’ve done quite a bit of the research ourselves, and have a fair list of intended port calls (and places to avoid). PM me if you want to compare notes at some point.

  11. Congratulations ! We look forward to following along!

  12. Sounds exciting and adventurous. Looking forward to some great photos and interesting blog updates…..

  13. I’d forgotten just how good my cup of coffee could taste in the morning! You do such a great job at sharing your adventures that I can’t wait for my daily fix again. Will now be researching Patagonia and the trip there. Can’t wait to see ZTC again!

  14. …do I hear a new boat in the works? Exciting waters at that latitude!

  15. I am so happy for you guys. I have to admit I was disappointed that you had settled into a real job, even if it did include living on a beautiful boat in one of the most beautiful places on the earth. After leaving your own company to explore the world, it just never made sense to me to work for someone else. Again, I am so happy for you both. Best wishes!

  16. Excited for you guys! I’m sure you’ve come across her with all your reading but I always enjoyed Beth Leonard’s accounts of that part of the world. Good luck, and hopefully we’ll see you down in Grenada before you head off somewhere else.

    • Hi Catherine. Yes, I have read some of Beth Leonard’s stuff. There is a lot to learn from people who have already sailed this path. We have friends who’ve done it too.

  17. Wow! Strangely, I just watched a documentary on Netflix about a guy who traveled to Patagonia in a VW Bus. It’s called 180* South.

  18. Nice to see you and Rebecca again, being a desk jockey I escape through your blogs and photos. Wishing you both well in your new found freedom and your next adventure.

  19. Had to look it up. Looks way more adventurous than I am. And cold. But that is why I read the blog- to live vicariously through your adventures! This will be fantastic!

  20. You guys have come a long way on your journey few dare to risk it for….Good luck…

  21. It’s a great time to buy a European boat with the favorable Euro:Dollar exchange rate! ZTC-II?

  22. This sounds like an awesome trip! Can’t wait to see your trip updates!

  23. dorsey Doss Wallace

    Love the documentary 180 south where they sail to Patagonia. What a great place, solitude and nature. Good luck. Look forward to it.

  24. Tim and Sandy Canuck

    Sounds similar to the inside passage from Vancouver up to Alaska! After Patagonia, round the Horn and come on up! More fijiords here than Scandanavia, and the sailing grounds are much larger tha NZ, according to the Kiwis…
    Of course, we’re headed to the tropics this winter, so…

    Look forward to reading your adventures and seeing your pics! Go for it!

  25. Sounds exciting. I can’t wait to see what boat you pick for this your next adventure. Happy for you

  26. I have been following your blog for a few years now and never left a comment. Now I think congratulations are in order for the start of your new adventure. I am a little disappointed 🙂 as my wife and I were planning to book a trip with you next spring when I turn 50. I guess now we’ll just have to buy a boat and do it on our own. We look forward to following your adventures and I have a feeling at some point in the future we will meet somewhere. Safe travels

  27. I’m sure you know you are headed to some incredible areas. You are probably aware of these folks, headed to Patagonia now.
    Best wishes.

  28. Oh wow! Sorry it didn’t work out for you guys. I’ve been following your adventures for awhile now, read from day one on forward. This is something I’m planning on doing a bit later as well, so been reading this blog and quite a few others with interest. What you are doing is what I’ve been contemplating (Making the jump from the Caribbean to South American and taking it all in. So I am very interested to hear what’s coming up next. Good luck to both of you, and if you are every traveling up North near Bermuda, stop on up (America’s Cup taking place here in 2017!).



  29. Still not exactly sure where that’s at in regards to Grenada … I need to get a bigger map! =)

    Sounds like another great adventure ahead … congrats for “taking the road less traveled”. Glad everything is working out. You two needed a break anyway! =)

  30. We just left Grenada. Took our ASA106 with LTD sailing. A couple more days and we could have met both you and Rebecca but we are back home in Canada now :(. Look forward to continuing to follow your adventures. Can’t wait for more details. Lisa

    • Did you know that we’re staying with Chris and Chrystal? We’re at their house now.

      • I did but I didn’t want to give away too much in a public forum. I also know what boat(s) you are interested in. Can’t wait to hear what you decide on. I’m more interested in your adventure than your charter work anyway. I’m looking to escape the work life soon so I prefer the non-work adventures. I think we get the real deal that way…know what I mean 😉

      • ohhh….and let Chris and Chrystal know that we posted a very deserving 5 star review on trip advisor. Say hi to them for me. Lisa

  31. What boat do you plan to do this with/on? Without trying to read everything so far and find out.. And how far into future is this. Surely the owner of One Love hates to hear this.

  32. Helen A. Spalding

    “Oh, the places you’ll go, the things that you’ll see!” Patagonia seems like a nifty place. I hope you enjoy it and write about it so we can all go along!

  33. You guys are completely crazy. We’ve (my wife & I) known that for a while now. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be where you are today.

    I have no doubt in my mind that you will follow through with your plans and make it happen. The same attitude and outlook that has gotten you this far, will get you to your next destination. I look forward to following your adventures. 🙂

    Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

  34. I grew up in Chile. It is a stunningly beautiful country. We took a trip to Patagonia and I will never forget the people there. So happy for you guys!

    SV Kintala

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