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Four years ago today, I wrote a short post where I challenged (begged and pleaded with!) all of the lurkers, the anonymous visitors to our site, to please post a comment. That simple post would end up drawing a larger amount of participation than any other single blog entry!

It’s important for people to realize that, as far as bloggers are concerned, comments and reader contribution are like nutrients, without them they wither and die. Well, perhaps that’s a bit melodramatic, but it is true that bloggers are typically more inspired, and motivated to continue to share, when they know that there are people paying attention, people who actually care!

So, to that end, if you’re reading this post, please post a comment today, even if it’s just to say Hi. It’ll make my day if we can beat the number of replies that we received the first time that we tried this. If you’ve been following along for more than four years, and you commented on that original post, please feel free to say hello again. It’ll be even nicer to know that some of the old-school readers are still around. 🙂

What will I be doing?

While you’re commenting, I’ll be busy working on part two of my Beginner’s Guide to Building a Website series. Hopefully I’ll have that ready for you tomorrow.


A million GOOD things!


  1. I am in a yachting newbie based in Sheffield in the UK and enjoy your postings. Thanks v much. Niki

  2. “Remember, a dead fish can swim downstream, it takes a live one to swim upstream.” W. C. Fields
    “Hi” just doesn’t cut it.

  3. Hi, been lurking for years. Keep up the blogs.

  4. Hey guys, been following you since you bought the PDQ 32, wasn’t it named Katana or something? Love your blogs and have helped get us to this point. We retire in a few months and are headed to Miami in Feb for the show to do some catamaran shopping.
    Just know, there is always a large percentage that read but don’t reply much…

    I know you still train, but have you kept up with the judo all this time?

    Hope to see you out there somewhere next year.

    • Hi Carlton. You’re right, our first boat was initially named Katana!

      Boat shopping is exciting. I hope you enjoy the process. As for martial arts, no, we have not been able to train for some time. Perhaps in the future we’ll be able to resume.

  5. If comments are light you can sustain yourself on traffic stats for a little while. I really enjoy this site. I think it’s about time for an AMA though.

  6. Mike, I always read your posts here and on FB. I started following when your mast was lashed to the deck!

    I don’t own a boat so I don’t always have much to share. Just so that you know, we are watching and very appreciative.

  7. Oh…all right. How are you guys doing? You’d almost think you guys are settling down there in Martinique, any plans as yet?

    • Thanks for playing along, Amigo. As a matter of fact, we were just considering a trip to St. Lucia. We need to buy some Clamato juice for Caesars.

  8. Hi. Tim n Patricia here from Lafayette La. sold the Catalina 380 n now have a Land yacht while still employed, Another sailboat ?? is in view in the future, Been keeping up with you guys for several years.

  9. Kat and Jeff Schiro

    M/V Life After Land checking to do our part! Jeff and I say ‘hey’ and thanks for all the good tips, tricks and tirades lol….keep em comin!

  10. I have been reading your blog for about 3 years and really enjoy it! Thank you! We have many mutual friends and I would love to meet you guys sometime soon!

  11. Hi….. (bacon)

  12. Been following you on FB and enjoy your posts.

  13. “kalimera” from Greece…keep “walking” please…

  14. I love your writing and your adventures. You teach us about boat maintenance, share your travels, and remind us of what’s important in life.

  15. Chris Link
    We saw the Zero to a on your mast cradle in the Erie Canal,you were a few days ahead of us and caught up at Hospital Point in Norfolk.We both made it to the ocean and have followed your blog since.Family crisis has made us come to land but I continue to enjoy your posts.Keep up the good work! Former SV Missing Link

  16. My husband and I have been following you for about 5 years. We just purchased a catamaran this month and are finishing work so we can live the dream. (2 months to go). Also love Rebecca’s Fitness site and those couple workout are greats! You have both been inspirational to us. We look forward to meeting you one day. Grenada is where are boat is currently! Lisa and Paul

  17. I’ve been following you guys since 2013 when I decided to buy a boat and liveaboard. I went to the beginning of your blog and read every page to that point. I still look to your blog for advice. Not only am I a liveaboard on an Irwin 37CC, I also am a captain doing private charters on a Lagoon 42 (inspired by you). Thank You

  18. omg. lurking sounds so creepy 🙂

    The title of your blog drew me in. My partner and I are avid crossfitters & marathon runners, plus, we have a dream to sail once the kids are all safely launched into their adult lives (I have 4 teens, 2 heading to college this year…he has 1 in college). I’m an American freelance writer/novelist (& English teacher to pay the bills until my book is published)–he’s a German dentist. He has some sailing experience, but I literally have Zero (again, which is why your blog title enticed me). I’m happy to say, we’re starting this summer with a sail course–making the dream happen, step by step.

    My partner and I both love to travel & love the ocean. We live in Bavaria, and sadly, getting to the ocean takes some effort from here 🙂 But we have this ‘crazy’ dream. I’m often intimidated by it–all the unfamiliar lingo, all the new things I’ll have to learn…and also, how do we maintain our level of fitness while sailing?

    I find your blog inspiring and informative! Thanks for writing it!

  19. Hi again. Follow both your Facebook and blog.

  20. Love your blog guys!! Your posts on tips tricks and how do’s I love just as much as a post of a new anchorage, exploring a new beach or meeting people! It’s all great! We will be out there soon! I’m not gonna wait for retirement! We r going to do this now while I know we can! I can go back to work when ever! Thanks again!!

  21. Hello from a fellow blogger! What a great idea! I often wonder if people are actually reading what I write, so why not ask them to let you know! I may steal this idea from you if you don’t mind!

    BTW- have followed you guys for quite some time and love the blog!

    • You’ll have to test it out, Chris. Know though, that even with doing this, not everyone will reply. It is nice to see some new names though, and read some people’s stories.

  22. Ok, lurker confession…really enjoy reading about your lifestyle…it’s one we contemplated but decided on “part time cruising” as we move into our retirement. We are trailer sailors so we drag our boat all over the place – from NC to Bras d’Or to North Channel Lake Huron…but our home base is New England.
    Keep the great posts coming.

  23. Hi, I’m Chris from California! I’ve been following your blog and Facebook for years! My dream would be able to be a live aboard one day! I love all your post and Rebecca’s website also! I’m living vicariously through you now!! Keep up the great work!!

  24. Hi from Malaysia. Following your blogs and also listening to you on a few podcasts. One day my wife and I will hopefully be zero to cruising as well..

  25. I don’t usually go to the website, but I do see your Facebook posts

    once I retire I’ll have more time tonread.

  26. Dreaming of living on a sailboat in a few years. I sailed on the good ship “Karaka” and loved it.
    This website helps keep that dream alive.

  27. Hi guys,
    Always enjoy reading your fb, ig and blog posts.
    Keep on blogging! On on

  28. When sailing to Grenada is it better to check in at Carriacou or Prickley Bay. Which one is less hassle? Thanks

    • Compared to many islands, neither are a hassle. In Carriacou you can check in at Hillsborough by visiting two places just off the town dock, or in Tyrell Bay by the boatyard. Prickly Bay requires one stop, and you can do all the “paperwork” online. Personally, I think that clearing in at Port Louis Marina is the easiest.

  29. Hi Mike & Rebecca! I’m not a lurker … just wanted to say Hi!

  30. Enjoy thou blog, only thing that could make it better is more boobs. Everyone loves boobs.


  31. Mike,

    I have followed your blog and adventures (good / bad / ugly) for since around 2011. Your (and Rebecca’s) story was the gateway to learning more about sailing and the cruising lifestyle.


  32. Ok, I’m guilty. I love your blog and read it religiously and get inspiration from Rebecca’s workout ideas. Someday I hope to visit in person

  33. I’m land locked and follow to live vicariously reading about cruising. Maybe someday when my child is older. I really like having something non-political in my Facebook feed too!

  34. you’re one of the few sites i have bookmarked.

  35. Mike,
    Been following for years. Part of my daily routine 🙂

  36. Your site helped us with gear recommendations before we got our own boat. We’re now full time live aboards with 2 kids and a dog, cruising towards the South Pacific. Cheers! Greg from

  37. Long time reader. I hail from Vancouver and enjoy reading your posts. We sail on our friends catamaran. Keep up the good work.

  38. Hi!
    I’ve been “creeping” all your pages and adventures for awhile. You started my kids on their MMA journey (Connor & Cody Williams-all gown now) and now I live my journey vicariously through you wonderful people (and a bit begrudgingly through Rebecca’s workout page- LOL) !!

  39. Good morning to y’all from Rockport, TX.
    Cold and rainy here today. Going to be working on an inside project on my 27′ Catalina.
    Y’all have a great day.

  40. We have been following your blog since we met you in St Martin in 2013, when we delivered Stingo’s windsurfer from Culebra. Our boat, Flying Loon, is now for sale, so you guys provide a great cruising fix.

    • Hey Steve, that was so nice of you. We ended up passing that windsurfer along to some cruising friends with kids in Grenada. Good luck with your boat sale, and your future adventures!

  41. Hey….I’ve been reading for years…I “know” you via SBGi and always enjoy reading about what you folks are doing. It’s an amazing life you live. Not that I am COMPLETELY jealous or anything. Nope, at all, not me, not one little bit. LOL

  42. Great idea and good point! I’m always here, I’ll try to comment more!

  43. Hi, my name is Jeff and I have a problem… 🙂
    Been following for a few years now. I find your story amazing from start to present, and enjoy the pic’s as well. Always learning from your posts and hoping to one day check out the cool places you’ve gone.
    Can’t wait to get out on a sailboat this summer.

  44. Hi Mike,

    Always love your post and vicariously living the cruisers life. Please keep up the great work!


  45. Hola Señor y Señora Sweeney

  46. I think I’ve told you this before but I found your blog shortly after you started writing it and we still lived in a house in Kentucky. I feel lucky to count you guys as friends.

  47. Emjoying the multi-faceted reportage and opinion-pieces, from two who purchased our dream-boat in October (Newport, RI). With my wife just finished her corporate life – last day as endentured worker yesterday – we’re now doing the ‘mop-up’ of life ashore before moving aboard in 4 weeks, sooner if possible. Hope to see you in Martinique then.

  48. Hey there! I read a lot of your blog entries. I mainly comment on FB though. We are on a PDQ36 and are heading out for the islands on Monday!!!!!

    S/V Krakato

  49. My wife and I have been following you since day 1!. We where buying our 1st large sailboat ( a Gemini catamaran) and where trying to gain as much knowledge from people as we could. We are now on our 3rd boat have traded the sail for a power catamaran (PDQ) . Have just finished our first Bahamas cruise and love “the lifestyle “.
    Still learning from the two of you and read you every morning with coffee.
    Fair winds and flat water….. Michael and Annie

  50. Just wondering when you are going to pull up the hook and start sailing to Panagonoa or beyond Martinique?

  51. Fair winds from S/V Baggywrinkle in Galesville, MD, just south of Annapolis, MD

  52. Some are cruisers, most are dreamers or wannabes! I am a wannabe. Good for you.

  53. Great blog!

    Glad we got to meet you in real life.

  54. Hi,
    I have a 36ft trawler and love all things naughtical. The plan is to spend part of every year afloat. Love your articles and videos. Keep em coming.

  55. Hello from S/V Aeolus in St Croix VI. I’ve been lurking on your site for years, I just never have anything to say or add to your posts, but I do enjoy reading them.

  56. My husband and I started following you guys when he was diagnosed with cancer. You helped us keep Focus on the future and gave us Grand things to dream towards

  57. I’ve been a fan for quite awhile and admire your dedication to your readership by coming up with a new post everyday. And for the zeppelin bend. I love the zeppelin bend.

  58. I really enjoy reading about your adventures. We are here in Hilton Head SC. We currently have a sailboat and are starting the quest for our live aboard forever boat. Here’s hoping we will one day cross paths.

  59. Hi! I’ve been following you since you were transiting the Chesapeake Bay. I look forward to starting my day reading your daily articles. Keep up the great work! – Tom

  60. Hi! I’ve been following you for about a year and read all the articles you post. No longer a lurker and definitely a fan!

  61. Hi Mike and Rebecca,
    I read and enjoy many of your blog posts and have done so for a couple of years. Being newly retired, we’re looking at starting “commuter cruising” from our home base in southern Ontario within the next 2 years. Bahamas to start… Maybe farther afield later. I just spent several days at the Toronto Boat Show and came away with renewed inspiration from the many great seminars presented by well known sailing authorities.
    Keep going and keep blogging!

  62. We live and sail in the Pacific NW. When my husband retires in 18 months we are going to start sailing 6 months out of the year in the Bahamas. Love learning from you and following your adventures.

  63. Been following since St Lawrence

  64. *waves* I’ve been reading faithfully since about six months after you started the blog. We hope to become cruisers in a few years ourselves.

  65. Been following your blog since a few weeks before you left Canada. I don’t have any idea now how I found it. I’m from Portland, OR and just living vicariously through your adventures and dreaming what it might be like.

  66. HI Mike,
    Yes, we definitely heard Paul and Sheryl Shard from Distant Shores speak at a seminar on the Bahamas. We also spent some time chatting with them at the speakers’ booth and learned a bit about the new boat they’re building.

  67. Just a summer sailor here, but I live vicariously year round through you! And yes, I’m a lurker, not a poster- but yours is one of the handful of blogs I follow on Bloglovin’. I especially like that you keep your blog posts short, to the point, and include great photos. If I had a blog, I would definitely follow your lead! Thanks, and Good Luck with all your future plans!

  68. Hi Mike, I’ve been a reader / lurker since about your first month of writing your blog, and read it almost everyday. Your journey has helped inspire ours which should start sometime this year. My wife and I are going to the Miami boat show next month, and are going to seriously start looking at catamarans for sale. Thanks for what you do! Cheers!

  69. Hi from cold Poland! Been reading your blog for years, pls keep feeding our dreams!

  70. I read and learn from your blogs regularly. I have followed from the beginning. Keep up the good work.

  71. Haven’t been here since the start, but at least two years going now – keep up the good work!

  72. Been following since the beginning!

  73. Hi Mike & Rebecca!

    One of the great things about your blog is that you take the time to reply to comments.

    s/v Eolian

  74. Hi Mike and Rebecca. I have been a ” lurker” from the beginning. Really appreciate all the effort you two go to with your blog posts ( especially Rebecca’s since I am trying to stay fit while cruising). We met you in 2014, Virgin Gorda, we were on board Two Fish. Have our own boat now. Philippa and Ian.

    • Hi Philippa. I remember meeting you. Thanks for saying hi. I see you also ended up with an Antares. Such beautiful boats. We really enjoyed our time on Two Fish.

  75. HI, Yes I’m guilty of enjoying your posts and not looking further. Really great site – so professional! So this is how your are making the adventure work! Love it!

  76. Oh, alright, Hi! Been a follower since you guys came down the Erie Canal past Albany. Thanks for the daily escape from working-world-reality, and for providing general sailing/boating info/ideas, links to other blogs, etc… your site is a great resource. Got me considering a PDQ36… Keep it coming!!

  77. I have been a “lurker” for quite awhile. I started reading as you were making your way down the eastern seaboard and have enjoyed keeping up with your adventures ever since. I love your sense of adventure, dedication to fitness, and transparency on the “hard” part of cruising (maintenance, customs, storms, etc.). Wish you luck on your future endeavors and hope you will continue to blog.


  78. Hey guy! It’s been a few years since we all shared BBQ in Grenada! Wandering Dolphin and the crew are tied to the dock in Anacortes, WA and the kids are in High School here. Though we are still on the boat it just feels like we are lubbers again. THANK YOU for keeping cruising alive for me I love to read your FB posts and I read EVERY blog!

  79. I’m landlocked in Omaha, NE but have always been interested in sailing.

  80. Hello Mike and Rebecca,

    I’ve been following your story since 2011-2012 and trying to convince my wife ever since! You are an inspiration. All those stories and memories are gold. Thanks and all the best.


  81. I am about ready to toss it all and come visit…I would clean the boat for a day of sailing and beer.. 🙂

  82. Always enjoy your posts on FB and IG and try to keep up on your blog when I get a chance (but rarely comment). Keep up the good work! Cheers from Northern Ontario. Andrew

  83. I was told to leave a reply on the blog. If it was just Mike telling me, I probably wouldn’t, but I can’t tell with the Guy Fawkes mask. It might be Rebecca. She scares me like nobody else can. She would probably make me “exercise” and “run” and stuff if I didn’t, and then if that didn’t work, she would use me as a sparring partner. I’ve heard that there are people in this world who get some sort of “intimate like” physical pleasure out of pain, but that would not be me. Easier for me just to leave a simple comment!

  84. I can’t remember when I started…I am sure you were in the Bahamas. We have a sailboat on the BC coast and just spent a year’s sabbatical aboard. Now it’s back to cold Canadian winters and vicarious experiences.

    Thanks for those… 🙂

    S/V Never for Ever

    • Hi Bruce

      I love your boat name, Never Forever.

      The folks who purchased our PDQ last year re-named it Forever. 🙂

      PS: We love BC too!

  85. I’ve been following you on Facebook. You have some great posts. Hubby and I have a Caliber 40 and are leaving San Francisco for warmer waters next year

    • Ahh, an Francisco. One of our cruising friends hails from there, and it’s on our list of places to visit. I doubt we’ll get there by boat though. Enjoy your travels!

  86. Hey Guys, it’s so great to see you are still living the sailing life. Keep on keeping on xoxo

  87. Hi Mike and Rebecca,
    OK, completely busted! 🙂 I’ve been following your excellent site for the past few years since I spent a couple weeks around Union Island on my brother/sister in law’s 43 Beneteau. Actually going kiteboarding there for a couple weeks mid-Feb, hanging with them again. Their boat is on the hard in the off-season in Carriacou, where you two recently left. I powerboat in the Vancouver area during the summer and love boating, done it all my life on the BC coast. We’ll see if this next Caribbean trip re-energizes my thoughts about having a Catamaran down there. There… I feel better now that I’ve come out of the closet. Thanks for all your sharing.

    • Glad I inspired you to come out, and that you feel better for having done so! 🙂

      It seems we have a few BC lurkers in our midst, or actually, former lurkers.

  88. Hi there! I have been a “lurker” for quite awhile. We are planning to sail away in the sunset next year. Inspiring to follow you!

  89. Wither and die? That would really suck for both of us. I’d have no one else to ask questions of at 0500. Every one else is still in bed BTW.. Shout out to Jeff and Katrina Schiro for commenting! We are part of the home team. Expats from Superior Ambulance in Rockford Illinois. Can I do a shout out?

  90. Hello. Regular reader here in sunny New Zealand. Keep up the great posts.

  91. Hi Mike,
    wow! 170 comments and counting. I guess your plea worked. I love your blog and try to take a peek several times a week. Please keep it up.
    Smooth sailing,
    (on s/v Abby Normal)

  92. When you put a blog post on Facebook, I almost always read it. But since I don’t care to subscribe,that’s the only way I see your new posts. Please put them there! I really enjoy reading what you have to say.

  93. Worked this time, I was looking for a spot at end of post, not at end of all the other comments 🙂

    • When looking at the post on a phone, with this many comments, there’s a fair amount of scrolling involved. 🙂

      Thanks for putting in the effort, Alice!

  94. I will throw my hat into this ring to help up your numbers! Always appreciate your posts. We will be in Martinique in March.

  95. Hello. Just bought a 34ft yacht – discovered you whilst doing research 🙂

  96. I admit it – 99% of the time (or more) an anonymous lurker 🙂

  97. Okay, you make a compelling case for actually saying something 🙂 I started following your blog a couple years ago after taking a sailing class through a community college adult education program. It’s been fascinating to follow along with all of the tips and stories and major life events you have shared. Even though I don’t have a desire to cruise full time, it’s been nice to get a sense of what it might be like vicariously.

  98. Hi Mike, still reading and following! s/v Allez Cat PDQ 36

  99. Batbara C. Deep R.

    Have followed you since the very early planning stages to sail and live aboard–before ZTC became a reality.
    Love to keep up with your adventures and wondering where to next- especially during this N. Ontario winter, so looking forward to more blogs. Wishing the very best for both of you and Frost.

    • Hi Barbara. As crazy as it probably sounds to you, we’re looking to travel someplace cold! 🙂

      Thanks for following along, and also for checking in.

      Please say Hi to the DR gang for us!

  100. Lurker here. Love your blog, read it all the time. I do have to wonder, though, why you would waste your time on how to build a website information when the internet already has about 5 million of those… And very, very few people spend their lives sailing around the Caribbean, and your perspective on that is why we are all here. What is your thinking here?

    • That’s a fair question.

      The truth is that the post was inspired by my niece. She was asking for someone to build a website for her, and I suggested that she should learn to do it herself, advice I have given to fellow martial arts school owners countless times. To help her out, I decided to share the process that I have used. You’re no doubt right, I’m sue that it has been done before. I think that sometimes though, the advice of someone who is not an expert, who has figured it out on his own, is valuable in its own way. To some people, at least. Besides, how many sunset pics can I post? 🙂

      Thanks for checking in today, Landon.

  101. o/ hello from Nebraska! Found your blog via facebook a few months ago and have been enjoying reading.

    Just learning to sail, with plans to eventually cruise the Caribbean and South Pacific, and maybe visit some of the more remote islands I read about in the history of the Age of Sail. Also thinking about visiting Mission Blue Hope Spots (and other such points of environmental interest) along the way and vlogging about them and why they are important. Still working on that idea.

  102. Have been following your blog for quite some time now (read from the beginning). My wife and I are inspired by you both and hope to get going on an adventure of our own some day because of it.

    Keep up the good work.

    • Anyone who has taken the time to read all the posts on this blog has my respect. Best of luck with your own adventure plans, Mike!

  103. Hi Mike,
    I found your blog shortly after my husband and I decided that we want to retire on a sailboat in 2021. I quickly read through your first few of years of entries and have been reading since. I check for your posts daily. Your research list is saved on my phone and is helping build our library. Please keep up the great work. I LOVE your blog. Like you we started with next to no sailing experience but we now have a 35′ sailboat, 1 summer of Great Lakes sailing (North Channel) and a bunch of Canadian Power Squadron courses under our belts. Counting down the days to spring launch!
    Stacey & Jason Edington
    Sudbury, Ontario

    • 2021… that’s not too far away! I bet the time flies buy quickly. Enjoy the process. It can be like the days building up to Christmas.

  104. Mike, you can put me down as a stand up, just because I like the smoother ride, easier on my back in the chop.
    We’re enjoying Dominica for the next few days. Hope to introduce ourselves to Frost in Martinique or St. Lucia.
    Best from Calypso, Jonathan

    • Hi Jonathan

      There is so much to do in Dominica. I’m envious. Enjoy the nature island, and we’ll hopefully see you when you move south.

  105. It’s great to open this blog each morning and see new posts almost everyday. Following for several years thru Grenada, the ups and downs of the charter business, and now the anticipation of finding out what’s next. A nautical blog with suspense.

  106. Sportfish powerboat lurker. Love your site and insights. Even if I do tend to stare off in the distance when things get super “saily”.

  107. Hi Mike,
    We’re in OZ, about to end our cruising life. Thanx again for all the reads through the years!
    Wayne & Dana

  108. Hello from Canada, Mike & Rebecca.
    Not sure if we posted 4 years ago, but heck, you know us, maybe we did, maybe we didn’t. 4 years is a long time. Totally enjoy your blogs & posts, Good to see you are still having fun. We miss you in Kingston.

  109. Hi Mike,

    Admitted lurker-be here from Anchorage, Alaska. Scott and I own a 37′ cutter. We are planning our retirement to live aboard in the warmer climate you all frequent. We’re thinking about doing the snowbird thing and leaving our boat in Alaska and buying a catamaran for down there; coming up and sailing the beautiful waters of Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska in the summer and the Caribbean in the winter. Really enjoy reading your posts. Very inspirational to us as we lurk about all of the liveaboard posts out there. Thank you so much!

    • Hi Judie. I bet the sailing in your area really is fantastic, at least a portion of the year! Best wishes for your future adventures.

  110. Only started reading last year but went back to read a lot of the early postings. Really enjoy it Mike.

    I sail on the St Lawrence, not far from Kingston.

  111. Starting reading your blog posts in July 2015.. since then we’ve bought a catamaran that we now live on and follow you on FB and Instagram. Hope to run into you and Rebecca cruising some day!

  112. Hi Mike
    Lou and Valerie here. We have kept up with your adventures from the beginning. Really enjoy the blog. Thank you for sharing.
    All the best

  113. Howdy from Texas.

  114. Every time I see a weird potato chip flavor I think about y’all….

  115. Hello! I’m excited to go through your archives and past posts! Just found you

  116. Howdy!

  117. 07 from Canada with lub

  118. Hey guys, this is Geoff and Jenni. We’ve been following ZTC for several years and have incorporated many of your suggestions/learnings into our launch into cruising. I retired at the end of 2016 and we moved aboard shortly thereafter. We’re currently in McClellanville SC making our way to Florida for some additional refit work. The plan is to go where ever the boat will take us and for as long as it’s fun. Thanks for always “being there” for us. I’ll be looking for the website design post. My brother has been relentless about us starting up a blog.

    S/V Zen

    • Hi Guys. Thanks for saying Hi. The second part of the Website series is done, and I’ll post it tomorrow morning. After reading it, let me know if you have any questions.

  119. I’ve been reading your blog, and following along for years. I’m from Ontario too, and love reading about the adventures being had by people from so close to home. Opening your website is on my daily to d and I look forward to reading your updates each day. Thank you! I hope you guys keep having amazing adventures, and make it to Patagonia when you hope to. Happy Travels!

  120. Hi! I’ve been lurking for years from Mississauga. Sail on L. Ont., just sold my 33′ sailboat, now shopping for the next one, it’ll be my 3rd, just can’t imagine not having one! Keep up the adventures!

  121. I loved (and reposted) your “Life Lessons” post in facebook!

  122. Hi!

    I’ve been reading your blog for quite awhile and enjoy it a lot! I’m an armchair sailor hoping to jump in for real next year…

    Keep the good stories coming!


  123. Good evening, Mike and Rebecca. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years. As we near retirement it is great to see y’all enjoying your adventure at a young age. Smooth sailing.

    m/v Southern Belle

  124. I found your blog under a favorites list from the blog Driftaway!! I read several blogs of boaters doing the Great Loop. I have a 50 foot Gibson Houseboat on the Tenn Tom Waterway in Mississippi, USA – Jolly Time

  125. Rebecca and Mike , have followed you almost since the beginning and have recounted your journey through adventureland almost every time I chat with someone about the magic that is sailing. Thanks for combining the 2 blogs.
    Through you two I discovered other sailing blogs and have gotten “lost” for far too many hours reading them
    As one who lives far away from 4 grandchildren I fully get the limited opportunities to hug and nurture those little beings.
    Although my edel 665 would fit into one hill of Z2C I have appreciated the many tips that I have found by reading your daily tales.
    83 days to launch for me….crap lake Ontario will be cold late April….and it cannot come soon enough. Cheers

    • Hi Greg. Yes, the lake will still be cold, but hopefully by then it will be fluid, not solid. Enjoy the sailing season, and thanks for saying Hi.

  126. Been lurking for a few years. I check your blog each night to relax, unwind, and learn about the sailing life. Keep up the great work – it inspires my wife, kids, and I.

  127. Hi, I read as many blogs as possible, and watch youtube videos on sailing sites…..

    • Hi Alan. There are plenty of good blogs and videos to get lost in, aren’t there? I’m honored that you choose this one to be among those you check.

  128. Always enjoy reading your posts Mike~!


  129. Hi to both of you! I’ve been lurking for a couple years now. I don’t own a boat and don’t know how to sail. But I do in my alternate life. Haha .

  130. Hi I’m still reading. I first started reading when “boatbits” had link to your page, something about ‘ztc makes a point…asks a valid question”? I have commented a couple of times since then. We are back in Australia earning $ to go again in 2020, this time across the Indian Ocean most likely ending in South Africabit if money holds out , the halfway point for us is Toronto Hope to see you IRL one day but meanwhile keep posting! The posts make my week easier, thanks

  131. Mike, it’s been a long time since Kingston and many years later you’re still writing on an almost daily basis. As a very amateur blogger I am continually amazed that you have kept up this pace for so long – you deserve a bl-oscar for your efforts.
    I’ve been living on my trawler for nearly two years now, based in Naples Florida and have done around 6,000 miles so far around the coasts and lakes. I was hoping to get down your way this year but have settled on the summer in Maine instead.
    Keep up the good word, you are both an inspiration to us all – and very educational at the same time.


  132. Hi Mike
    I am a “lurker” from the beginning of your blog! I enjoy the regular posts! Helen

  133. Hi, I start each day reading your website, really enjoy it. Building my own catamaran sailboat and some of your posts have helped along the way. Keep up the great lifestyle and the fantastic website. Dean

  134. I’m glad to have you back in my RSS feed. I missed you both. I have followed ZTC since before you left Kingston.

    • Hi Tim. I’m glad the RSS thing is working again. I never use that, so never really know if it is functioning or not. Thanks for being patient.

  135. Hello guys!!!!
    Hope to see you guys soon. We are planning to sail tomorrow evening to Martinique .. will see if we make it
    Have a great Sunday and keep posting those awesome sunsets.

    Former s/v Harmony

  136. I’ve been an ardent reader for several years. We’ve a 36′ catamaran and are about a year from leaving. We’d leave sooner but my wife is an elementary teacher and they hate to leave the little ones. We’ll be out there (Bahamas) as soon as she can break free. Thanks for all the great tips.

  137. Hi. Long-time lurkers here. Currently singing the boatyard blues as we get caught up on some overdue maintenance. You are great inspiration for us to stay in shape…and to devote more of our lives to cruising. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

    Rob and Joe
    s/v Windhorse II
    Key West, Florida

    • Hi Rob. Sorry to hear you’re doing the boatyard thing. That is never fun. Hopefully you’re back on the water soon. Best of luck, and thanks for checking in.

  138. Hi from another lurker!

  139. Enjoyed your blog for some time. Given up cruising but run around FL and RI in small powerboats. Keep up the blog.

  140. Been lurking somewhat regularly for a few years now. Since the PDQ days.

  141. Hey Guys,
    I read most of your posts, but seldom post a comment. I appreciate what you do. I have an Irwin 38cc sloop that has been too idle for the last 5 years. I hope to change that soon.

  142. I look forward to your posts everyday. I had a sailboat and sold to get a trawler trying to entice my wife onto the water, but all has failed, so I have to sail with you guys via your posts. I have been in Bequia and the Grenadines on a sailboat and it was my best trip. Miss it a lot

    • Hi Rick

      Sorry to hear your wife is not interested in the water life. It’s definitely not for everyone, so I get it. A happy spouse is more important than cruising IMO. I’m fortunate to have both. Best wishes to you!

  143. Hi Guys,

    I found your site back in Nov or Dec of 2008 and have followed your postings ever since. I’ve tossed you a note or two, but mostly just lurk.


  144. Greetings! Been lurking for many years and enjoying your adventures! We are in the process of refitting and preparing to retire and cast off the lines. Hope to meet sometime in the future.

    Best wishes and regards,

  145. Hello Mike (and Rebecca),
    been reading for the past couple of years (started at the beginning though), find the blog really useful.

    I am in the UK, a town called Chesterfield, 2 1/2 hours from the nearest coast. Been learning to sail for the last couple of years too, some RYA courses. Now i just need to convince my wife to go cruising for a period of time, she thinks i am having a mid-life crisis (turned 40 recently!) but is slowly starting to show more interest. Her biggest concern is the homeschooling, kids are currently 5 and 6, so keep pointing her to the family blogs, watch this space.

    thanks for the posts

    • Hi Steve

      We see so many kids out here cruising, and I’ve yet to meet a single one that hasn’t been wonderful. I’m sure it does take a commitment on the part of the parents, but I think it can be so great for them. Best of luck!

  146. Hi Mike,

    I’ve have been lurking for roughly 6-7 years and have enjoyed my morning lessons from you ever since. You’ve helped me formulate plans, decide on a boat and better understand the mindset of the live-aboard sailor. More than once, I’ve gone back and reread your first months of planning, buying and transitioning to the lifestyle and it’s always been encouraging.

    Thanks so much for including us all on your never-ending learning curve.

    Southern Illinois

  147. I have been reading you guys for years. You were (and continue to be) a HUGE inspiration to Ashley and myself.

    Getting Nauti may not exist if it weren’t’ for your blog!

    Getting Nauti

  148. Hi Mike and Rebecca. Think of you often! Larry and I are in Hopetown with our SV Bubba’s Boat. Love your blog and appreciate your wonderful messages of living your life to the fullest. Hope to see you again one day soon.

    Diane and Larry

    • It’s funny that you posted because I was just thinking of you two the other day, wondering where you were, and how you were enjoying yourselves. Thanks for saying hi, and I hope we do see you again!

  149. Been reading since you guys went through the canals in New York. Don’t comment often, but check for new articles almost daily. Really enjoy the blog, particularly the hiking and other pieces about your locales.

  150. Hi Mike & Rebecca,

    Long time reader but have never posted a comment before. I really enjoy your blog even though I do not own a sail boat. Do 2 windsurfers and a SUP count?
    In fact I live not far from Rebecca’s home town of Deep River near a little village called Westmeath on the beautiful Ottawa River. ( east of Pembroke).
    Keep those posts coming as they are obviously read by many.

    • Hi Paul

      Thanks for taking the time to post today. This is the second comment from the Ottawa Valley. That’s nice to see. And yes, your windsurfers and SUPs do count. 🙂

  151. Hi Mike,

    Kellie and I are still lurking! I post every now and then, but even when I fall a few weeks behind, I binge until I am caught up again. I started following you when you were just arriving to the Caribbean, and then went back and read from the beginning. I am not sure if I will ever be able to live the dream, but for now am content to live vicariously thru you two. By the way, you have been in one spot for quite a while now, it’s time to cast off the lines and head for Patagonia!!

  152. Hi, lurker from Colorado. I visit often.


  153. Hi,

    I live in South Africa, far from the coast. So cruising is just a long-term dream. I have done a fair bit of inland sailing on dinghies, but that’s just all the excitement without any of the real work and responsibility. I also get violently sea-sick when on the ocean (bummer).

    I discovered your blog about a month ago, and I am slowly working my through it. Up to mid – 2012 now. So, you keep writing, and I will keep lurking. Maybe once caught up with real-time you, I might even comment from time to time…

    • Hi Rudolf

      Thank you for posting. You may have read that I used to get seasick as well. Not what I would call violently, but I definitely felt queasy when underway. Now, I’m pretty much over it, so there’s hope for you. 🙂

  154. Hi Guys,

    Casper here, yes I’m still lurking daily or at least when I can lurk. When I’m home, religiously with a cup of coffee….

    Be safe….

  155. Hi Mike and Rebecca
    Been follwing you for about 6 years and enjoyed every post. I have also “started from the begining” as well for further inspiration.
    My plans to float seem to have gone a little awry for one reason or another but maybe one day we can bump hulls!
    Take care keep up the hard graft!

  156. Hi Mike and Rebecca, followed you from the start!

  157. Hi Mike:

    I admit – I lurk and I read your blog almost daily.

    Good stuff always. I also am really impressed with the fact that you are one of the few sailing bloggers who has continued to post for years. Most of the other lose interest and blog less and less. Maybe part of it is lack of feedback from the lurkers, I don’t know.

    Keep it up!

    • Hey, Jim, maybe you’re right! We do get a fair amount of participation, and I’ll fully admit that it often keeps me going. Thanks for joining in today!

  158. Hey Mike and Rebecca,
    I’ve been following you guys for around a year now and I’m absolutely floored that the amazing life you have actually seems “do-able” for normal people! So who knows? The cruising community may be invaded by a couple “swamp billy’s” from south Louisiana one day soon. Thanks for sharing!

  159. been following the site for many years. very interested in sailing but landlocked. Some day the time, money and effort triad will come together. Until then I’ll continue to enjoy your insights.

  160. I’m still here Mike.

  161. Hi Mike. Been enjoying the site since the beginning. Keep up the good work!

  162. Hello, I read the log whenever I can. We are travelers with a boat, currently in New Zealand while our boat sleeps in french polynesia. See
    Keep up the good work, I know blogging is hard, but I enjoy it very much.
    Love Stefan and Ilse

  163. Hey Mike and Rebecca,

    Been reading your blog for more than 3 years now I think. If my memory serves me correctly I found you guys via “The Sailing podcast” . Anyway, I have commented a couple of times over the years, but I mostly just lurk. I usually check in on the blog every few days.

    Apart from just following along on the adventures of a couple of bad asses like you. I have found that you post some really helpful information on here about boat equipment and maintenance as well. Thanks and keep up the great work.

  164. Hello again. Thanks for keeping the flame of a dream burning.

  165. Hi again. I’ve been following your blog since you started. I’ve posted a couple of comments in the past. I’m anxiously awaiting Spring so that I can get back out sailing on Lake Huron.

  166. Hey Mike, I figured I would provide some additional nutrients for you guys. I’m pretty sure I have read every post but not sure if I have ever commented. I appreciate the time & effort you put in to make this blog what it is. I’ve read many other sailing/cruising blogs and believe yours is the most professional looking & managed of all I have come across. Keep up the excellent work and get on with your amazing adventures so you will have some additional content for us lurkers.

  167. Hello! I’ve been following you since your first year. Would love to be in your shoes!! And I’ve been a lurker all this time. Just wanted to let you know I enjoy the cruising life vicariously through you. I’m a data manager in a middle school in Winston-Salem, NC. Fair winds!!

  168. I am a long time lurker and thrive on your blog particularly during the winter months when us Lake Michigan sailors have our boats on the hard.

  169. I’ve made a comment or two, so probably not an “official” lurker.

    Currently in Martinique, shopping for our own boat.

    • That’s cool, Andrew. There are plenty of boats in Martinique, that’s for sure! If you don’t have a broker already helping you with your search, I can recommend one here.

  170. Hello!
    I’ve been enjoying reading your blog, I started almost at the beginning! Heard about you two on the podcast SailLoot. I like your writing style and all your experience!

  171. started lurking recently when Vigor retired….used to read his blog as often as it came out.. doing a lot of catching up on yours over the winter months up here in New Jersey (with my C-34 on the hard). Keep cruising and writing, appreciate your perspective and willingness to engage in dialog about all that you experience. Thanks!

  172. Hi Mike. Love your blog! Don’t mean to be a “lurker”, it’s just that I like reading and, well, I usually just don’t have anything to say!

  173. Hi Mike.

    Thank you for inviting us shy folks to post onto your website. Have been following you guys for years since you owned the PDQ. We recently purchased our first sailboat, a 27′ Hunter trailerable sailboat. Currently testing the waters by exploring the local waterways in South Florida. Once our children are more mature, I too have ambitions to explore portions of the world via sailboat.

    Your blog is wonderful and a great contribution to society. We hope you enjoy posting to it as much as we enjoy reading it.

    S/V Gratitude (Hunter 27 EDGE)

    • Good morning, Mark. Thanks for taking the time to comment. There’s a lot to love about a sub-30′ boat. I hope you enjoy your time sailing her, and that she leads you towards your cruising goals. Best of luck!

  174. Aloha!
    Vicarious cruising – its delicious!

  175. Hi Mike and Rebecca, I’ve been follot your website/posts for almost a year. I went back to the beginning of your journey and chronologicaly followed just about all of your blog…mauvhave missed a post or two. You are an inspiration! My hubby started talking about living on a boat and cruising about a yearar ago. As late 50a and early 60s I wanted a safe home on land…albeit in the Caribbean. Your journey made me think living on boat is doable. So we took and passed asa 101, 103, and 104 this past summer and are selling our business and home. I am concerned that we won’t have enough to retire and live on our ideal boat…we really want a catamaran… Really! But may have to monohull (which we took all of our certifications on. Looking to sell and go within the year. So no longer lurking and thanks for sharing/blogging…So consistently and so long. Your is my favorite!

    • That sounds super exciting, Nancy. Congratulations on making your dreams happen. Please keep involved here to let us know how you progress!

  176. Just started following you on Facebook!

  177. Hello from cold and snowy Poland.

  178. Hello from Texas!! I’ve made one comment previously that I know of, maybe one other. Be sure to try the cold brew coffee method. 🙂

    Been following you guys from almost the beginning. I think I first caught y’all on the Hudson or something if I remember that correctly.

    — Lee

  179. Ha! I’m pretty much a binge reader… I come back every 3-4 months to see what you two are up to. My wife and I been following you ever since you bought the PDQ.

  180. Hello! I am in catch up mode having stumbled across this blog and started reading from the beginning! Enjoy reading about your travels and lessons! Hopefully meet you out there someday!

Comments are closed.
