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The windy season being what it is, it’s typical that we keep a sharp eye on the forecasts, both short and long term. With ZTC safely tucked away at Grenada Marine, and the storm’s northerly path, we had little to concern ourselves with when Chantal blew through. Now, only days away from our return to the Virgin Islands, and the closing of the new boat deal, Tropical Storm Dorian shows up on scene to make the situation more interesting, as if we needed that.

As challenging as it is to prepare for a storm on a boat that you know intimately, in a location that you know intimately, it would seem to me that it would be considerably more difficult on a brand-new-to-you vessel. Of course, if it were needed, we would make it happen. That’s what we always do. In this situation fortunately, the storm is presently projected to travel a bit north of the Virgins, and pass by there before we actually take possession. That’s great news, as far as we’re concerned, if it holds true!

Images from our new iPad app, Hurricane Tracker


  1. When do you all actually take possession of the new (I guess I can call it a yacht?). We will be on St. John from 8/7 to 8/14, would love to see the new vessel if you will be in the area.

    • Hi Terry

      The deal is scheduled to close July 30. If all goes well, we will be in or on our way to St. Maarten when you are there. Then again, if things are delayed, we might be enjoying carnival in Tortola at that time. 🙂

  2. Mike- We chartered a 4600 out of Tortola in May…I’m just curious if I saw (or was on) the vessel you are taking out of charter. Do you know its name?

  3. We close on our boat July 30th as well 😉

    Before now, hurricanes meant excitement. For my son, they bring in excellent surf. Now that we are set to sink all of our saved up cash into a boat 3 hours south of us right as this thing heads our way, I’m biting my nails! It’s secure in long-term storage and located in a good hurricane hole, but still makes me nervous! Here’s to hoping it breaks up before hitting Florida!!!

  4. Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys. Hope the storm stays away and you can take possession and have a safe trip south.

  5. Good Luck on the time of all this…


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