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Since we have no immediate plan to move our boat, and thus no ability to shoot some new and exciting sailing footage of our own, I thought that I’d share this super-professional promo video for our friends’ sailing school, LTD Sailing. In case you haven’t guessed, the LTD in their business name stands for Living The Dream, and it’s something that these guys are most definitely doing!

Living The Dream!

I watched this video again earlier today and I couldn’t help smiling while doing so. It features several of our friends in the video content, and our friend Jamie’s boat. It was also all recorded in a sailing area that we’ve grown to love and respect. I hope that many of you reading this post get to experience something similar to what is featured in this short video. It’ll generate lifelong memories, guaranteed!

Living The Dream

Chris and Chrystal, owners of LTD (Living The Dream) Sailing.

Something new?

By the way, Chris, co-owner of LTD Sailing, may very well be contributing some future content to our blog. He has a lot of experience and I’m eager to see what he wants to share. That is, if he can ever steal a few minutes away from his classes and boat brokerage business to pen something for us. No pressure, Chris. 🙂

By the way, in case you were curious, we receive absolutely zero compensation for posting about our friends. We do so simply becuase they deserve the exposure, and it’s the one gift that we can easily give.


  1. Thanks for the endorsement, Mike!

    Looking forward to reading Chris’s stuff!

  2. Love Chris and Chrystal at LTD sailing. We took a few courses with them and then worked with them to purchase our first boat. They earned our trust and respect and we now call them friends! They most certainly deserve the shout out.

  3. Looks like a great place to get your certifications while on vacation. We will keep them in mind if we ever decide to take any classes.

  4. Wow,
    It’s a great post. Amazed by the information provided here. As I am a traveler I know the excitement level of the one’s who love to travel. For them, it’s like dream come true. I have traveled to 15 countries and know how sailing through sea gives us pleasure. Recently I and my friends had been to the USA using a yacht provided by Medwaves Charters and enjoyed a lot there in the Hawaii Islands. They provided us best service and also guided me to the trip. Next am looking forward to going to the beautiful place Grenada for a trip.
    Thank you.

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