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I can’t recall the last time that Rebecca and I have taken a day to simply go exploring, it’s been so long. With settled weather and no specific tasks lined up for the day, we decided to do something about that, raising anchor and moving One Love to a new-to-us island.

Contrary to what many people will have you believe, there are still places in the Virgin Islands where you can find privacy. We had this idyllic spot all to ourselves. If the swell hadn’t started rolling in to make the anchorage a bit uncomfortable, we would have even spent the night there.

I had a little guessing game on Facebook to see who could determine where this spot is. If you were a part of that or have inside information, please refrain from commenting. As for the rest of you, what is the name of this island? Click on the image above to open a larger version of it in a new window. That may help with the guessing.


  1. Great Pictures as Always from Rebecca and Mike…..Hope you find a chance to Puddle Jump ‘One Love’ over to the ‘Quiet Virgin’…..St. Croix….again……Especially if you have some Divers coming…..Great Wreck dives on West End St.Croix…..Lee of the Island…Great Local Dive Shop….( N2 the Blue)….Enjoy your Virgin Islands…..British….American and Spanish……smile

  2. Everytime I see you guys crawling around on cliffs I wonder if you ever got some form of medical insurance.

  3. Beautiful pics. You two really are living in Paradise.

  4. I’m going with Saba Island.

  5. Lovely shots and a great insight into the fun you had. I have no idea about the island though.

  6. Great pictures, and always enjoy your blog…
    Learning a lot about sailing, AND about sailboats… Just soaking it all in, and hope to be sailing that way at some point down the r0ad.

    I’m going to guess Culebrita… Not the main island, but the smaller one to the east…
    Never been there, but looks like a great place to just hang-out and enjoy…. 🙂

    Regardless, thank you both for the great blog….

    • No, not Culebrita although that is a beautiful spot too. If you search Culebrita on our blog you’ll see some pics from when we hiked there.

  7. I see on Live Ships AIS you’re making passage between the USVI and the BVI today, INTO THE WIND! Of course.

    We are saving our nickels and dimes to come sail with you guys. Loved the blog – from start to finish it’s taken me three days to BROWSE through it. Wow.

    On, on…

  8. Oh, and I believe (based on your current track) you’ve spent time on Saba Island with a nice view of Turtledove Cay. Nice beach, that, with a great view of planes taking off and landing across the water.

  9. When I saw this adventure on FB…I thought the key words to myself…settled weather!

  10. Don’t know, don’t mind where you are. It looks lovely. Very enjoyable pictures. They make a nice balance with the practical ones.

    I do hope it is as enjoyable in reality as it is from my armchair.

    Enjoy yourselves.


  11. What a great set of shots to come across at the end of a day of 30 knots at 30 below 🙂
    Somehow I think of the Virgins as being a rather crowded, touristy region. (Although, to be fair, I’ve never actually been there.) It’s nice to see that there are still some relatively pristine places left.

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