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Now heading south from Calabash, NC towards Cow House Creek, SC, we have been told that we are now entering Alligator territory. Kind of makes the Sea Nettles of the Chesapeake not seem so bad!


  1. They are delicious to eat !

  2. Do those belong to Mr. and Mrs. Google or did you actually see those on the coast of N.C.?

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Caution is advised! Be sure that any log you see really is a log!

  4. Suzanne took my question. And I agree with john and Mid-life, they eat just about anything so don’t dangle anything off the side of the boat. My uncle raised them in his back yard for years.

    • And he raised them why?

      • Because in the late 50s and early 60s due to all the Alligators killed for fashion the No. American Alligator was on the endangered species list in his area. He was a Naturalist before being a Naturalist was fashionable. He was even recognized by the Governor of Louisiana.

  5. Man, they look absolutely prehistoric.

  6. I will never, as long as I live, forget being told (on my infamous trip to Florida) that we were to drive a highway called ‘Alligator Alley’ and, after asking WHY it was called that, finding out it was because alligators lived in the ditches on either side of the road.

    Sure enough… the ditches were pretty much full of gators. Not something you see every day (or EVER) in B.C. Canada, that’s for sure!

    • We’ve learned that there are MANY dangerous animals in the US that do not exist in Canada.

    • My son just came back from a motorcycle ride across Florida and cruised down Alligator Alley, he said the “Panther Crossing” signs were more alarming than the thought of the alligators. Especially when he was thinking he may have to camp along that road.

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