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Neither of us can remember such an extended period of rain. Although we awoke to sunshine today, the rain is still threatening, and it’s been that way for well over a week. That is not to say that it has been raining non-stop though. No, there has been the odd, short-lived break between the squalls. They’ve been rare, but they have happened.

During one such respite in the Tobago Cays, Rebecca took our dinghy to shore to burn off some of her unlimited energy. What follows in this video is the workout that she concocted, using our dinghy as a prop.

Rebecca says:

Do each exercise for 50 seconds. Rest 10 seconds between each one. Complete 3-5 sets.

Even if you aren’t a workout fiend like she is, perhaps you’ll enjoy the scenery, and the sound of the waves lapping onto the beach!


  1. Great video Rebecca. I get the idea that a gym membership and all that equipment is just not necessary. Personally I can’t stand my gym it is so depressingly artificial and antiseptic, if that makes any sense. Although not much in my world is going to match that scene.

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