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One thing that we hear time and time again is that we will meet so many nice, helpful people when cruising. Even though we have yet to take delivery of our boat this process has already started. We spent yesterday afternoon and evening with Jennifer and Al who, for at least a short while, will be our neighbours at Collin’s Bay Marina. They invited us first to share some wine with them on their boat and then later to their house for dinner. It was enjoyable spending time with such a nice couple, especially since they are only days away from taking off on their own cruising adventure. Thanks guys!

Thursday night we will be leaving for Toronto to meet up with Anthony and Jackie to complete our boat purchase and begin the delivery trip back here to Kingston. As our deal was made in American Dollars I now have to bite the bullet and exchange some money into US$. I have been painfully following the currency exchange and although knowledgeable friends of ours have told us that they believe the rate will improve over the summer we have run out of time. The exchange rate is what it is. 🙁 In the big scheme of things it won’t matter all that much and once the deal is done I know I won’t look back.
