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I first mentioned 180? South almost a year and a half ago. The film, which documents a young man's trip to Patagonia, includes all the makings of a real adventure. While searching for something completely unrelated on Youtube, I came across a couple of links for the entire movie, and that surprised me, but I have to imagine that they are legit as Youtube is way too good at removing copyrighted materiel. So, for your viewing pleasure, I include the video here.…

Even though we're not quite yet ready to leave Martinique, and Frost, Rebecca and I spent some time yesterday sorting through our limited belongings. Just as we did all those years ago when we were first planning our cruising adventure, we divided our stuff into several piles. Piles of things to keep, things to sell, things to dispose of, and things to give away (that is the most fun pile to create). As you might imagine, the stacks this time…

Balance Catamaran

Regular readers of our blog may already be familiar with the name Chris Rundlett, as we've certainly mentioned it enough on this blog. Chris, and his parter Chrystal, are good friends of ours from Grenada, and we've spent a considerable amount of time with them, both on and off the water. After at least a year of prodding, Chris has consented to take some time out of his already-full schedule to share some of his experience with our readers, and along with…

There's probably not too many people who would consider Martinique to be a prison. The island is beautiful, the people are friendly, and it's extremely welcoming to cruisers. But going on 6 months now, we've been thinking of nothing but leaving. Our thoughts are focused on traveling to the States to see our daughter and her family, and to get moving on our next adventure. Happy Easter from our too-cute grandkids. Unfortunately, as with all legal matters, our lawsuit is crawling along.…


It's nothing new, there have always been thieves, those who choose to take what others possess. Even including "thou shalt not steal" in the 10 Commandments didn't do away with theft, so what does that tell you? In the cruising world, the most coveted and easily stolen possession has always been the yacht tender. While it's hard to make a clean getaway with an entire boat, especially when it only travels at 5 knots, a tender with a go-fast outboard…

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.

Mandy Hale