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Cycling FAQ

Where and when did you start? We began our trip from our daughter's house in Corona, California on June 1, 2017. Where are you going? Do you know where you are going in _______________ (country)? Our ultimate goal is to ride to the end of the world, Ushuaia, Argentina. As for the exact route we will take to get there, we have no idea beyond the fact that we expect to travel down the Pacific side of South America, transiting…


When I last updated the blog a week ago, we had just arrived in Somotillo, 6 km from the Honduras/Nicaragua border. After one false start where the hotel we found tried to charge us too much for a single cot, we found ourselves at a friendly posada just off the main drag. The room was tiny — I mean really tiny — but we still managed to jam our bikes into it with us. We also had the chance to…
