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a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances Are we stressed? Um, yeah. Is it likely to get worse before it gets better? Almost certainly! Will it be worth it in the long run? Guaranteed! Sunset in a quiet anchorage after a beautiful day of sailing... yeah, it will be worth it:)

So, in researching the aforementioned compromises that we will be forced to make, we have both been spending WAY too much time on the web "boat shopping." Here are a couple of our favorite "time-wasting" sites: --->

In our "internet" search for our future home and transport we have read this over and over: All boats are compromises! Quality, speed, draft, beam, capacity, engines and of course money! How could we forget money? It seems obvious to me that with an unlimited supply of money we would be making far fewer compromises! Oh well... there is that lottery this coming Saturday. We are longing to let the world know our plans and the time is nearing when…

Another favorite question! Um, sorry, but no. Retiring by my definition implies that we would have enough money to live on without working. Quite the contrary I am afraid. Today I invested some time in working on one of our plans for cruising income. It's still in its formative stages and thus is a bit hush, hush. I think there is a good chance it will pan out. If not, we are young and creative and thus have lots of…

Since we put our home up for sale house showings have been almost a daily occurrence. And we have had company at our house all week. And we have had extra events going on at work that we have had to contend with! Can anyone tell me when the fun is going to start? On the bright side we received a reply to our email from Seth and Jamie of Slapdash who are circumnavigating on a Gemini 105MC. They seem…
