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Anyone who is actually reading this blog (specifically my last post) probably is under the impression that I think I am fat. This is not true. I don’t think I am fat BUT I do know that I am not in as good a shape as I was before we left and I would really like to be. The purpose of me writing this blog is to share ideas of what I am doing to maintain a high level of fitness so others can perhaps incorporate these concepts into their own lives whether they live on a boat, travel or are just looking for exercise ideas that don’t involve a lot of expensive equipment.

It is frustrating at times for me to not be able to workout as much as I would like and thus I have been really diligent in making the best of each session that I do. The weather sometimes dictates what kind of workout I can do (hard to do a TRX workout when the boat is rocking and rolling in heavy winds although I do try). Our boat is too small for me to exercise inside and on days where the weather is lousy, I often wish I could find somewhere indoors to workout. Fortunately, we see more pleasant days than unpleasant ones and those are the days when I am really happy to be exercising outdoors. Beautiful scenery, fresh air and sunshine makes it much more enjoyable to workout in as opposed to working out somewhere indoors.

This past week I incorporated some sandbag workouts. Do I own a sandbag (they can be purchased)? No, but they are easy enough to make. My particular “sand” bag is actually filled with lines. That’s right, a duffel bag filled with rope. This bag of lines is actually for our drogue in case we ever need to use it. As well as line, the bag also consists of about 10′ bit of 3/8″ chain but I often take this out for most exercises as it is a bit too heavy for me.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I did three different sandbag workouts. On Tuesday and Thursday, I did a TRX workout. I did a few other body weight workouts as well throughout the week as well as today as an extra bit of exercise. I am definitely going to keep up with the sandbag workouts this coming week as they kicked my butt!

Here is one of the sandbag workouts that I did:

Welcome to Georgetown Sandbag workout

3 sets of each exercise resting 30 seconds between sets and exercises

  • Sit-up to stand-up to overhead press x15 reps
  • Push up to dead lift x15 reps
  • Lunges (front/side) x15 reps
  • Bent over rows x15 reps
  • Kneeling twists x15 reps
  • V-sit to push press x15 reps

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