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  • No more truck (the lease was taken over today),
  • No more phones (both contracts were taken over),
  • No more problems!

Going for a walk after taking the dinghy to shore at Prinyers Cove.


  1. This is a feeling we can really understand been there once, can’t wait for the next time around. We are working hard at it and looking forward to see the horizon come closer.

    Good luck

  2. Best post to date.
    I always say my favorite destination is “no service”.
    Here’s to ya!

  3. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You must feel like you’re walking on air.

    Or… floating on water! Wait till the water is so clear it LOOKS like you’re floating on air!!


  4. Does it make your stomach do flip flops to think that in just 3 days (less really) you will be off on a great adventure? It’s making my stomach flip flop.

  5. Helen A. Spalding

    Almost there! Hurrah!

  6. Wow! That must feel great, no more strings!! BTW I love the photo 🙂

  7. Man, I only have a couple of more years to pay off my last business adventure and then it’s “save for the islands”!!! Good luck with your adventures and don’t forget to come by for some fries next time you’re in the County. Will live vicariously through you guys until I go south for the winter. How about Marina Hemingway in Cuba in January?

    • Hi Mark

      Thank you.

      We actually debated on going to Cuba but have decided to head to the bahamas instead. Perhaps you should change your plans? 🙂

  8. Hi Mike & Rebecca, we have been following your blog for some time now, best wishes and look forward to following you on your adventures. We are where you were a year ago and hope to be doing the same thing in March, but from this side of the pond. Good luck x

  9. Freedom … and I believe this all took place on your birthday?! Can’t think of anything better as a birthday gift. I know you were busy, but sounds like it was a good one. Happy B-Day (a little late).

  10. WOOHOO! Aug 1!! Congratulations on the impending take off.

    I’m not able to keep as close of track of your blog while we are on the wild internet-less W Coast of Vancouver Island 😉 but it is great to binge when we have internet and catch up on your progress.

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