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Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. – Henry David Thoreau

Sometimes the smallest changes in your life can make all the difference. Are you struggling to achieve something in your life? Try making a small change that will lead you in that direction, bringing you one step closer to that which you desire.

When we made the decision to move aboard our sailboat and head south to destinations unknown, we had to make a lot of changes in our life. These modifications ultimately led us towards our dream of becoming full-time cruisers. Since achieving our goal we haven’t stopped dreaming though and nor should you. In other words, one should never stop fantasizing and making efforts to move towards living out their ambitions.

OK, so becoming a full-time cruiser was a big dream but we all have some small desires that should not go unattended. Looking to lose a few pounds or want to get stronger? These are relatively small objectives that can be achieved by simply making a few minor adjustments to your life.

Always eager to keep my body in shape and live a healthy lifestyle, I have made a huge effort lately to eat healthier. After all, nutrition plays a big part in maintaining/obtaining a trim body. Both Mike and I have cut down on the amount of food that we eat at a meal and choose healthier snacks in between meals. In addition, we recently made the decision to take a 1 month hiatus from drinking any alcohol. We drink a lot of water throughout the day and limit ourselves to consuming other types of beverages (juice, soda) to only once or twice per day. These small changes have led us towards a much healthier lifestyle and we are both feeling very good about that!

So, what is your desire and what changes are you going to make today?

Speaking of changes, we have been using a new exercise apparatus that was sent to us in place of our TRX. The above short video shows us using this new toy.

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