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Have you seen the movie The Revenant? We have, and while I don't think that the film is even close to Leonardo DiCaprio's best work, in spite of all the awards that it won, the Grizzly bear attack seen is now forever imbedded in my brain. Of course, I always knew that bears could mess you up, but that extremely-intense scene pointed that fact out in technicolor! I just learned this today: Hugh Glass, the protagonist in the movie The…

Recently I've spent some time considering why I continue to write, and what subjects I choose to write about. I commented on Facebook yesterday that it feels good to once again be writing about subjects that I know next to nothing about. Or at the bare minimum, have no practical knowledge of, only theory (there are those who might argue that that's what I've always been doing). It reminds me of the first couple of years writing this blog, when all we did…


If you had asked me one year ago what the most important part of a bike is, I don't know how I would have responded. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have said wheels though. If there is one thing that I've learned from all the reading that I've done on bicycle touring, it's that wheels are important. Very important, in fact! And what size of wheels to use has been the one thing that we have deliberated on more than…

I ended Friday's post about our prospective route with this statement: "So, weather depending, that’s our current plan for making our way through the US." I find it interesting that this new lifestyle we're working to undertake will be governed by Mother Nature at least as much, if not even more so, than our travels on a sailboat have been. And at the early stages, by snow in particular! It can snow at any time! It's probably fairly obvious that…

As it stands today, I'd estimate that my collection of cycling-related internet bookmarks either equals, or surpasses the ones that I have saved on nautically-inspired topics. I have read, and saved for future reference, countless articles on gear selection, equipment reviews, routes, and travelogues. There is one link in particular though that I saved because it so perfectly relates to both cycling and cruising. Follow the link below and read the post before carrying on: The Great Fear We are…

Do you know what the continental divide is? I'm going to admit that, until just recently, I didn't. According to Wikipedia: "A continental divide is a drainage divide on a continent such that the drainage basin on one side of the divide feeds into one ocean or sea, and the basin on the other side either feeds into a different ocean or sea, or else is endorheic, not connected to the open sea." Cool, eh? Water on one side goes…
