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Just days after our trip to Diamond Rock, Rebecca and I were back in the jungle again for another hike, this time to make the challenging and picturesque trek from Grand Etang to Concord Falls. Because we have done this hike a couple of times before, one of our friends was eager to do the hike with us. Although we, and our other hashing friends, were rained on for much of the day, a great time was still had by all.

Is that it for this week? Of course not. Tomorrow there will be another of the weekly hashes that we participate in and I think there will also be a hike to the top of Mt. St. Catherine, the highest point in Grenada, on Sunday. We’re definitely getting our walking in.


  1. One shouldn’t be surprised if it rains when in the rainforest.
  2. Razor grass cuts. I look as if I’ve been in a fight with an alley cat!

This, along with Alex who is taking the photo, is the group that we began with at Grand Etang. Three had planned to only do the hike up to Mt. Qua Qua and thus turned back when we reached that point. Two others where happy to do the hike on their own. The remaining 6 of us, plus Diesel the dog, carried on to the falls and had a great day.

We made it!

Yes, the water was chilly.

We managed to hitch hike back to St. George’s instead of paying for a bus. Bonus!

Although only Diesel curled up in the back seat like this, I sure felt like I wanted to as well.


  1. With those sad puppy dog eyes looking at the camera, I think a dog is in your future….

  2. There’s something so great about hiking to a waterfall! We hiked in Hawaii only to find a little trickle. Great pics, and the dog has it made!

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