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When we told our friends that we were considering buying a boat named Katana, those in the martial-arts circles thought it was destiny that we should own this boat. This is because a Katana is a type of Japanese sword, often referred to as a Samurai Sword. Hanging on the wall above my office desk for more that 15 years has been a just such a sword. Quite a coincidence!

We contemplated bringing a Katana with us on the boat but as space is at a premium, and we didn’t think the salt-water would be all that good on a shiny sword, I don’t think that is going to happen. We did pack a wooded copy though, known as a bokken. It should make a good conversation starter and could be useful for warding off boarding pirates or “sedating” aggressive fish with sharp teeth!


  1. I pity the pirate that attempts to board your boat!

  2. That sword is a beautiful work of art.

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