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One VERY major thing on our plate these days has been the sale of our business. The last month or more has involved countless meetings and negotiations with prospective buyers. I am happy to announce that we now have a signed deal for the transaction and that it will be closing in less than a week. Woo hoo! This is great news for everyone involved. As we have no plans to leave the country until late next summer (the weather being a big determining factor for this decision) we will still be involved with the business for some months to come. This was, however, the very last piece in our cruising puzzle. Now we have no choice but to go. 🙂


  1. Here is a slightly premature CONGRATULATIONS!

    Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

    Fair Winds,

  2. Congratualations! 🙂

    You seem very successful at selling stuff. You wouldn’t want to come over here to sell my house for me would you? 😉

  3. That’s exciting… it made my heart jump a little.

  4. Congratulations on a successful sale!

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