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There’s not too many people who, after traveling an entire day down to the Caribbean, including the all-too-typical delayed flights, would want to jump in a bus and journey another hour up island to a big party. Not only was our guest down for it though, he insisted on it!

After picking our buddy Carl up at the airport, we filled a bus with friends and headed off to Gouyave, a fishing village about an hour north of our anchorage. The big event we were attending? Fish Friday. As you can probably deduce, on Fridays in Gouyave, they serve fish. Fried fish. Broiled fish. Fish kebobs. Fish bake. You name it. If they make it with fish, you can find it at one of the roadside stands at Fish Friday.

Can you guess what goes hand in hand with all this fish? Beer and rum of course and the crowds of people in the streets seemed to be enjoying that too. We weren’t entirely sure what we’d find in Gouyave, given how late in the evening we were arriving (well past cruisers’ midnight), but it appeared as if the live entertainment was just getting going.

Typical for evenings when we get a bunch of our party-going friends together, we didn’t make it back to the boat until very late (or early in the day, depending on your perspective). We’ll likely take it easy this morning, just so that we’re ready for the Hash this afternoon. Oh yes, Carl is an experienced Hasher so he’s definitely going to join in the muddy and sweaty fun later today!

Answer to yesterday’s question:

Buys Ballot’s Law: In the northern hemisphere, when standing with your back to the wind, holding out your left arm will point to the center of low pressure. The opposite holds true in the southern hemisphere.

Today’s question: What number on the Beaufort Wind Scale would 29 knots be?


  1. Looks like a great time. Have a good time with Carl, the bikini guy!

  2. Looks like this is well worth the bus ride! I don’t blame Carl for insisting!

  3. The answer is 7. Have fun with Carl, keeping him running!

  4. Is that Bewfert, or Bowfort?

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